
Showing posts from August, 2008

Medicine For Our Worrying

Medicine for Our Worrying Some of us have PH.D in worrying from the famous Anxiety University. Of course there are no pre-requisites for admission and the tuition is free, so we often go back for second and third degrees on the same day. Many are dying because of the disease of worrying. High blood pressure (BP) or even some cancers are known killers and they are partly due to stress or plainly worrying. I know this because I went to the doctor and he asked what is happening in and around me for my BP to be increasing. I could trace it to a project that I started and I was stressed and worried about. What is the root of our worrying and what can we do about it? Webster has the following applicable entries on the word “Worry” – 1. “To feel uneasy about some uncertain or threatening matter; be troubled.” 2. “To grasp and tug at repeatedly: a dog worrying a bone”. One thing is obvious from these definitions and that is, worrying is when we focus on a situation or uncertainty and keep c

The "Nike" Moment - "Just Do It"!

The “Nike” Moment – “Just Do It”! The Beijing Olympics is on and going great. One name is has become very prominent, Michael Phelps. He has broken and set records (8 gold medals) that no one else has ever set. He is being decorated and highly honored. He is blessed and we will all agree. The question is how did get to this point of honor? By doing and putting into practice whatever his coach has taught him. Any of us may be tempted to envy him but are we willing to do the same things he has done to put into practice what he had learned from all the many swimming lessons he has had? Honor, blessing comes through doing. It is faith in action. Jesus makes this point clear to an admiring envious woman. I believe Jesus is also saying the same to us, “Just do it”. You will be blessed when you obey God’s word. Luke 11:27-28 27As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, "Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you." 28He replied, "Blessed

Why Even Pray?

Why even Pray? This past Saturday, my family went out for a walk. As we left the house, I locked the front door and put the key bunch in the baby stroller. On our way back, we started to look for the key bunch. I was convinced that I did put it in the stroller, so I searched and looked. I then concluded that it must have fallen out. At the same time, I began to wonder if I actually removed the key from the front door after I had locked it. I started to trace our way back and look along the side walk. We got to the house and I was hoping it may be at the door and it was not. I concluded that may be someone saw the key at the door and took it and now a stranger has access to our house. However, we managed to get into the house with a spare key through the back door. By now I was very frustrated and I went back again to look tracing our way. I started to pray and ask God to help me find the key. If you had seen me, you would probably think I was crazy. I was walking very slowly and mumbl

Be A Good Neighbor

Be A Good Neighbor Meet my good neighbors Jerry and Debbie. It had rained the previous night and the water from our roof was splashing and pouring over our walls instead of draining out through the gutter. I needed to climb the roof to remove the debris that had blocked the gutter. I needed a longer ladder than what I had. I went to Jerry and Debbie to borrow theirs. The ladder was long and heavy. Jerry and Debbie looked at ladder and looked at me and had pity on me and offered to help. They helped carry the ladder, raise it up and held it for me to climb up and remove the leaves that blocked my gutter. They even went the extra mile because I had to do the front and the back of the house. Debbie, prior to my unscheduled solicitation for ladder was about to leave for an errand but she had to delay her going. I was ever grateful to Jerry and Debbie. “Who is my neighbor?” A lawyer asked Jesus. Luke 10:25-37 25On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. "Te