
Showing posts from 2018

Holy Disruptions - Merry Christmas

Holy Disruptions - Merry Christmas Have you had a holy disruption? The scriptures are full of examples of holy disruptions. When God ignore the normal and enter into your life to accomplish His purpose, that is what I have called “holy disruption “. You must have one and continue to experience many before you and I see God face to face and be with Him forever. This Christmas, let’s look at the most important holy disruption and that is that a Holy God became a man to save all men and women from their sins. This ordained event happened through many lives more than 2000 years ago. It is still happening today. Please read all of it in Luke chapter one. The normal wedding and honeymoon of Mary and Joseph were disrupted. Who doesn’t want a normal and even extra normal wedding and honeymoon? No one. Prior to Mary and Joseph but related for the same purposes of God, Elizabeth and Zachariah’s lives were disrupted and they lived childless into old age so that God will show His power an

John 13-14:6 - ALIVE and ACTIVE

Dear Saints: “12 The word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It cuts all the way through, to where soul and spirit meet, to where joints and marrow come together. It judges the desires and thoughts of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 We will continue to read the WORD today. Let the living WORD (Christ Himself) speak to us as we read. Here is chapters 13 -14 :6 of John. Please read the entire book of John. Enjoy the reading and be blessed as you read. Lord, please speak to each and every one of us as we read. Please show us things about you we have never seen before in the book of John. Please renew our minds so we can know your perfect will and make you known to all. Help us to believe you and trust you today. 2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2 Lord, we thank you for your everlasting love and faithfulness to

Thanksgiving to Who? - Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving to Who? It is Thanksgiving in America. Yeah! I received a beautiful Thanksgiving card from my insurance company this past week. It’s a portrait of the beauty of the fall colors in the woods with a running river. The art is first class by a lady identified as a “naturalist painter”. The words were penned by an accomplished lady poet. I read the words and was confused and wondering what it was saying. It had the right words such as gratitude but I couldn’t make out who was being thanked. I could identify the things that were being appreciated but I couldn’t see who was being thanked for those things. This will score very high as one of the most politically correct seasonal greetings. Here is excerpt from the card: “We forever roam through the landscapes of our heart, finding strength in the arms and roots of ancient trees…We give thanks for eternal places that call our name, urging us to pause, breathe and grow. Happy thanksgiving.” This is a classic example of what

Book of John - Believe for Eternal Life

Book of John- Believe for Eternal Life We are beginning our study of the book of John or the Gospel of John as recorded by Apostle John. If it’s a book written today it will have a book cover and a title and likely a subtitle. I have a firsthand experience since I have just written a book to be published soon. John’s book would look like this: Cover title: Jesus Christ God is Here Subtitle: Believe Him for Eternal Life This book is not a standalone book but rather one of 66 other books saying the same thing in different forms and in different periods and different genres. We call the 66 books the Bible. They are all pointing to Jesus Christ, Son of God, God Himself and savior of the world. The purpose of the book of John is very clear and well stated – how to find eternal life (see John 20:31). Let’s look at the Bible as a big Manual for life and as we would look to a car Manual or any other equipment such as the cell phone. Have you noticed that in many Manuals they have

"I Am Always With You"

“I Am With You Always” We end our study and meditations on the book of Matthew today. We end with the last words and promise of Jesus “I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.” Matthew 28:20. This promise is to His Disciples. We know that only those who believe and trust in Jesus are His disciples. God's Holy Spirit only lives and abides in His disciples. If you are not a disciple, then this is the time to become one by believing and trusting in the death, burial, resurrection of Christ for forgives of sins and for all righteousness. It can’t be any better that God Himself will be with you us always. God, the Almighty and Creator of all things will be with me always? It is mind blowing and I can’t yet comprehend and absorb it all. Can you? Notice that the book of Matthew started with the same promise and ended with the same promise. In Matthew 1:23, we read, “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means “God wit

Make Disciples

Make Disciples “18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go [c]therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” [d]Amen.” Matthew 28:18-20. “Make Disciple” is a compound verb. It calls for action but it also calls for “being” more than “doing”. We are Disciples of Christ. We are followers and Christ-look-alikes. If we are to make disciples, we must be disciples. Being a disciple is an on-going relationship and fellowship with Christ. We have seen that unbelief will stop anyone from being a disciple. If you do not believe in Christ, you are not a disciple. We have also seen that we must understand He who commands and His authority to send. When we recognize and understand that the one with “all authority” lives in

"All Authority" to Go and Make Disciples

“All Authority” to Go and Make Disciples Last week we were confronted with any unbelief and doubt regarding who Jesus is and the truth of His resurrection. If Jesus has not risen, our faith is futile. Any unbelief in this truth is good indication that one is not of Christ and Christ does not live in him/her. We saw that Jesus “rebuked” his disciples of unbelief before He could command them to go make disciples. Today, we look at what Jesus told the disciples regarding who is sending them and the “authority” He has. Here is our text under study: Matthew 28:16-20: "16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them. 17 When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted. 18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go [c]therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teac

Unbelief - Why We do not Make Disciples

Unbelief – Why We do not Make Disciples Thank you for journeying with me in our long study of the book of Mathew. We are now in the last section studying Jesus’ last words before He ascended to heaven. We have all come to know His command as the Great Commission to “go and make disciples” (other followers of Christ and believers in Christ). To me, this is one of His greatest commands. Simply put, if we don’t go and make disciples, people don’t become believers in Christ. All unbelievers in Christ will be in hell according to Scriptures. Do I really believe there is hell? Please do not wish hell even for your worst enemy. What stops us from going and making disciples? We will take more time to study these section of Scripture (Matthew 28:16-20). Today we will examine the first obstacle of being a disciple maker - unbelief. Unbelief is the first stopper of going and making disciples. Listen to Scripture. “16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which

Jesus is Risen - Big Deal!

Jesus is Risen – Big Deal! So what that Jesus rose from the dead? What a big deal? It is the biggest deal ever and the biggest deal that will continue to be replicated in millions of lives forever. Jesus is alive and because he lives, we also who believe and trust in Him will rise from the dead and live with Him forever. Hallelujah! Mary and the disciples, though initially did not comprehend and understand that Jesus rose “just as He had said”, they were thrilled to see Jesus again as the risen Lord. We too will see the risen Lord. Not everybody was happy to know and see the risen Jesus then. In fact there were intentional efforts to silence the news with lies and payoffs (see Matthew 28:13-15). It is still same today. People will tell you that Jesus’ resurrection is your opinion and that it is fabricated. The Muslims and likewise many other cults, don’t even acknowledge that Jesus died and what more rising from the dead. People are being paid money in religions to silence the tr

Jesus Crucified

Jesus Crucified All of creation and all of world’s history and all of God’s plan have come down to one event and to one weekend of activities that have never happened before and will never happen again. Jesus Christ is crucified. God himself have been humiliated and suffered in the hands of his own creation. What God can allow that and for what purpose? Let’s read, be humbled and understand and appreciate how the Son of God died a horrific death and once forever paid the penalty for our sin that restored all of God’s creation to himself. All have missed the mark or target for which we were created namely to worship the creator rather than the created (See Romans 1:18-32). We all enthroned ourselves as god and worshiped self instead of the almighty creator God. Who in their right mind will tolerate being second in preeminence to what he has created? We thank you Lord for your death and for our redemption from our stupidity of idolatry. It is only the love, kindness and mercy of Go

Pilate and Which Jesus?

Pilate and Which Jesus? Pilate was the governor who was to judge Jesus when the Jewish leaders had accused him. Listen to Pilate’s question. “Are you the king of the Jews?” Matthew 27:11. Pilate was more interested in securing his political position than finding the truth (see John 18-19). It is same with our today’s politicians. We all want to approach Jesus from our point of interest and what we can get out of Him. Let’s resist the temptation and choose the right Jesus and for the right reason. He is God and must be worshipped. Which Jesus do you want released – Jesus Barabbas or Jesus the Messiah? Which Jesus are you following? Let’s not make mistakes, we are still making the same choices even today. Everyone living is choosing the Jesus they want. Which have you or me chosen? Please read the account of previous choices people made. Matthew 27:15-26: “15 Now it was the governor’s custom at the festival to release a prisoner chosen by the crowd. 16 At that time they had a we

Suicide - Judas Hanged Himself

Suicide – Judas Hanged Himself According to Dr. Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director of the CDC. “Suicide is one of the top 10 causes of death in the US right now, and it's one of three causes that is actually increasing recently”. Some recent celebrity deaths by suicide have brought more attention to a hopeless generation dying rapidly of suicide. This is a complex, difficult subject and not to be taken lightly. Suicide is a spiritual problem and always instigated by the evil one. Satan always lies and say, "O it will be better for everyone, just end it." God created life and it is not up to us to end it by suicide, murder, abortion or any other means. We are discussing suicide in the context of our continuing study of the Gospel of Matthew. How can one go from hanging out with God himself for about three years to hanging himself? I do not know the answer and we will never understand every suicide on this side of eternity. Judas, however, was called the “son of

Guilty for being God

Guilty for being God Emotions and words are flying high across America because of the President’s nomination to the Supreme Court. Everyone wants a judge who will render impartial and unbiased judgment from their own point of view. May we be reminded that our justice and salvation does not come from man or woman, the white house or out house but from the Lord, the righteous perfect Judge. Pray for the souls of Americans. This world will never offer us justice because no justice was offered to the only guiltless and perfect Son of God. We are all guilty and rightly so but Jesus was never guilty. Stop pleading your innocence for we are not and accept His righteousness for yourself. Today, we look at the mockery of justice in the hands of the chief priest and the Sanhedrins. Jesus was condemned to death for being God and for declaring that He is God. What an absurdity! I thank God that Jesus, as Messiah the Christ, took my place, my guilt and sin and have made me righteous forever.

Not as I will, but as You will

Not as I will, but as You will Jesus had a choice to pray a different prayer at Gethsemane but He choose to pray three times, “O My Father, [h]if this cup cannot pass away from Me unless I drink it, Your will be done.” Jesus would have prayed to “My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels.” Why? Jesus knew the will of the Father, and as Son and God, knew that there was no other plan for the salvation of humans from the wrath of God. We rejoice and thank God that His plan to be betrayed, arrested, tried, unjustly crucified, buried, rising from the dead, and ascending to heaven never changed. That is the good news, the gospel for which we are saved from our sins and reconciled to God forever. There is still no other plan for you and me. Jesus is the only plan and the only will. Will you allow God’s will to be done in your life today? He has died to give strength to our flesh (humanity) for “The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak”. Oh fr

Cab We Deny Jesus like Peter?

Can we Deny Jesus like Peter? Last week, we looked at Judas’ betrayal of Jesus. Judas never believed and trusted in Jesus. In pretense, he was just carrying on just like many in the church today. We found this betrayal to coincide with the last supper or what we now celebrate as the church ordinance of Holy Communion. Jesus broke bread and gave to his disciples and poured wine and drank with them. These were symbols of what Christ has done on the cross for us. His body was broken for us and His blood was poured out for us once and forever for the cleansing of our sins. That is the good news of the gospel – forever forgiven and forever reconciled to God. Right after the last supper, Jesus informs the disciples, not just Peter that they will all deny him. Peter is the one who spoke up and said, not me. Also, the other disciples said they will never deny Jesus. Are we like Peter, insisting and saying not me Lord? In our flesh and natural strength, we can do nothing worthy for Chr

Judas Betrayal and the Last Supper

Judas Betrayal and the Last Supper How could Judas desire and agree to betray Jesus? How could Peter succumb to deny Jesus? These are two hard questions with different outcomes. Today, we will look at Judas’ betrayal. There will always be an opportunity to betray Jesus. The opportunity is always offered by the devil and not God for God cannot tempt us to do evil. The fact we have offers does not mean we accept the offers. How do we reconcile Judas betrayal to the following statement by Jesus? “24 The Son of Man indeed goes just as it is written of Him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed!” Was Judas designed from beginning to betray Jesus or could it have been another person? As “written of Him”, is this just a prophecy or prediction but not particularly to be accomplished by Judas? We have more questions than answers. One thing is for sure; there was a personal and willful decision by Judas just like for any other human being. Judas asked Jesus, ““Rabbi, i

Jesus Anointed to Die for Us - Be a Fool for Christ

Jesus anointed to Die for Us - Be a Fool for Christ We transition to the road to the cross after hearing Jesus tell us what will happen at the end and the signs and timing of his coming. Before any of these will come to pass, Jesus has to die because that is why He came into the world. Jesus reminds his disciples, “You know that after two days is the Passover, and the Son of Man will be delivered up to be crucified.” Matthew 26:2. “You know”. What do the disciples know? They knew from Scriptures that the Messiah, the Christ is destined to die for the sins of all. It was not a secret though the authorities wanted to secretly kill Jesus. Mary, takes a bold step of faith to anoint Jesus at the home of Simon the leper. She honored Jesus and became a fool for Christ and was criticized even by the disciples. Let's be fools for Christ in doing what the Holy Spirit inspires us to do. Please let’s read the account: Matthew 26:1-13: The Plot to Kill Jesus 26 Now it came to pas

Jesus Returns as the Glorious King and Judge

Jesus returns as the glorious King and Judge Today, we look at the conclusion of the answer of Jesus to the disciples’ question, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” Matthew 24:3. We have been told by Jesus to be ready for his sudden and soon return. We have also been told to be watchful and occupy and do the good works in our being ready. There is no room for laziness but we are to employ all that God has given us to serve others. As we read Matthew 25:31-46, it sounds like the judgment here is based on doing good and being nice to people. It could be misunderstood and must be viewed with everything else Jesus said and the entire counsel of God in the Scriptures. No one will inherit the kingdom of God on the basis of being nice and doing good. The good works we must do as those who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus shed for the forgiveness of our sins. The key here is that they were called “the righteous

Ready to Account for Your Life?

Ready to Account for Your Life? We have just witnessed the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan. About 3 billion people watched it worldwide. This is the last wedding of its kind for a long time up to 30 years. This could also be the last royal wedding before the real majestic wedding of the bride of Christ. Are we ready? Notice that this wedding is the first to bring more races and nations together. Also a powerful gospel message was preached to the whole world – the redemptive power of love. Soon and very soon, Christ is coming again for His bride, the Church. In anticipation of His soon return, Jesus gives us a parable on how to occupy and be ready until he comes. The parable of the talents, is again like the previous two that emphasize being faithful to the very end. There is no room for the fearful and lazy person who says, ‘God did not give me enough to do what I am supposed to do’. We have been gifted according to our abilities and enablement of the Holy Spirit. We must