
Showing posts from April, 2012

Be Not Unequally Yoked - Study 4/5/12

Be Not Unequally Yoked - Study 4/5/12 (Happy Easter) Water and oil cannot mix that is why the people in the gulf region are suffering the contamination of the BP oil spill. Usually the story goes like this. A Christian sister (also brother) meets a guy and falls in love. Unfortunately, this guy is not a believer in Jesus. The Christian sister seeks counsel and consistently those who really love her say, “but he is not a Christian” The sister often would respond, “Oh we are very much in love. I am praying for him and I know he will turn around”. Her mind is made up and they get married. The first two years become like hell on earth and now she is looking for an out; praying, fasting and feeling miserable. This is what I call a failed “missionary marriage”. It often does not work because it is clearly against the specific commands of God. There may be exceptions by God’s special grace. “Be not unequally yoked” applies to all of us not just for marriage. Infact this passage is not ad

How I Live and How I Reconcile with Others -Study 3/29/12

How I live and how I reconcile with others Someone said that “an unexamined life is not worth living”. How do I really live? How do you live? How do people we consider great men and women of God live? There comes a time in our lives when we have to look deep within and evaluate ourselves - the way we live in light of God’s word and in the eyes of others. We can fool others but we cannot fool ourselves. This is where we are today and this is where I am in my relationships. Apostle Paul has been pleading with the Corinthians to be reconciled to God. Paul understood very well that the vertical reconciliation must be followed by the horizontal reconciliation. We must love God who is above but we must also love our fellow human who is with us. Apostle Paul was direct to the Corinthians knowing that all has not been well between him and them. There have been accusations and counter accusations and hear says by the false teachers. Paul took a deep breath and poured out his heart to the Co