
Showing posts from November, 2019

Thanksgiving Mary's Style

Dear Saints: I have so much to be thankful for this season. Thank you Lord for being my Father and reconciling me to you. I was so disobedient and too far removed from you in my sins. But you loved me and died for me while I was still in sin and not waiting first for me to clean up my mess. What other God could do that for me. You are my Lord and my God. Thank you Lord. Mary, Martha and Lazarus had in-person opportunity to thank Jesus. They have painted a real picture of Thanksgiving we can emulate during this and every season. What do you do for the One to whom you owe your whole life to? Besides sacrificing your own life for the person, you would give him or her your best. Mary and her siblings did so and gave their best. Let's continue our study in John 12 (please read the entire chapter): “Then, six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was who had been dead, whom He had raised from the dead. 2 There they made Him a supper; and Martha served,

Destined to Die & Uche's Memorial

Dear Saints: My younger cousin Uche Nduagu died last week in Lagos Nigeria. We had been praying earnestly for him and ministering Christ to him. Three days before he died, he called for his older brother who is an evangelist to come. Uche wanted to be sure and asked Jesus into his heart. They were both together as they sang chorus in the hospital and then he closed his eyes. What a way to go! We mourn for you Uche; you had only turned fifty, but we are comforted that though you are absent from us; you are now present with Jesus. Your name is Uchenna (God’s Will). We accept God’s will for you and for all of us. Amen. In concluding our study of John 11, we see Jesus as prophesied to die for Israel and for all of us including Uche, my cousin. The Holy Spirit inspired apostle John to include this very important information in the midst of the miracles of Jesus: “49 And one of them, Caiaphas, being high priest that year, said to them, “You know nothing at all, 50 nor do you consid