
Showing posts from August, 2013

Knowing God - Eternal Life Defined - Study 8/26/13

Knowing God - Eternal Life Defined Please let me introduce you to Martin. I met Martin (17 years old) in the park yesterday Sunday morning. He was sitting on a bench alone smoking something but not cigarette. It was just the two of us in the whole park. I told him that Jesus loves him. I asked him if he died today if he will be in heaven and he said no. I asked him why and he said because he has sins. I explained the gospel to him and prayed with him. His countenance changed and he smiled about the good news of forever forgiven in Christ. I gave him a hug from Jesus and committed to praying for him. Martin said he was kicked out from our local high school and then his mother sent him to a military academy and he has been kicked out too. With school starting today, Martin said he does not know where he may go to school because his mother has to do some paper work to get him back to school. Please pray that Martin makes peace with God and that the word of God will be planted in his

Our Helper, the Holy Spirit - Study 8/20/13

Our Helper, the Holy Spirit Anybody need help? I do, seriously and now. You and I have help in the person of the Holy Spirit. We all cry out for help from time to time. God is our helper, and ever present help in time of need, trouble and at all times. We cannot live the life of Christ without His Holy Spirit. Don’t run on empty. Be filled with the Holy Spirit through His Word. Jesus was leaving His disciples behind but He was not leaving them alone. Being the Son of God and one of the Godhead, Jesus made the greatest promise of all time to His disciples. Let’s examine what Jesus promised His disciples and what he said regarding the Holy Spirit. Jesus called the Holy Spirit, the Helper, the Comforter: “Summoned, called to one's side, esp. called to one's aid; one who pleads another's cause before a judge, a pleader, counsel for defense, legal assistant, an advocate; one who pleads another's cause with one, an intercessor; in the widest sense, a helper, succourer, a

"The World Hates You" - Study 8/5/13

“The World Hates You” We spend most of our lives trying to convince everyone around us to like us. Hollywood, the Media, the Government, the Advertising world representing Commerce/Economy thrives on this fact. It sells and there are lots of money being made in this base desire of us - We want to be liked. Who doesn’t? I don’t want to be hated by anyone. Sorry, my wish and expectation to be liked is contrary to the truth of the Word of God. The Truth Himself (Jesus) tells us that. Get over your popularity contest. Stop being shocked by people’s reactions. But Jesus is not saying this to everyone but only to those who are His. If you are not of His, you may likely have success in being liked by all. Jesus explained this hard truth to His disciples during the final days and hours before leaving them behind as He proceeds to the Cross to die for their sins and our sins. What a moment of truth and candid conversation with the One who loved them the most. We need to have candid co