
Showing posts from March, 2009

Last Words of Jesus (2)

Last Words of Jesus (2) Jesus did not spend too many words from the time of his arrest and death on the cross. Last week we looked at some of those words. In particular, Jesus surrendered his case to the Father by saying, “Not my will but yours be done”. From that time on he did not say much. He left his case and vindication to God the Father. There comes times in our lives when we must leave our case to God to argue for us. There are points in life when you know the truth about a case involving you and someone or people have lied and misrepresented you. All we can do at those points is to keep quiet and let God vindicate us. You and I don’t always have to press our points. Some times we must let it go and play the fool. Jesus did exactly that; so let’s read on. Have you been lied about and misrepresented? I will not lie to you; it really hurts especially when it comes from those you are looking out for (the very people Jesus came to save). Luke 22: 66-71; 23:1-5 66 As soon a

Last Words of Jesus (1)

Last Words of Jesus (1) I have never forgotten the words of my elementary school headmaster. He must have been quoting someone as he would often say to us, “The last day of a man is very tempting and the end of everything is the most important.” This is true as we observe and study Jesus on the road to the cross. Jesus knew exactly where he was heading to, the cross. The cross is not an all-you-can eat buffet party. It is a place of trial, pain and death. Jesus did not exempt us from the cross meaning we will have own trials, pain and death of flesh. How did Jesus handle these last days and what did he say? I believe we can learn a whole lot from him as we together examine some of Jesus’ last words from Scripture. You and I would often say things Jesus would not have said when facing our own trials and dying to self. Luke 22: 39-51: 39 Coming out, He went to the Mount of Olives, as He was accustomed, and His disciples also followed Him. 40 When He came to the place, He said to t

We We Fall and Fail

When We Fall and Fail Have you ever disappointed someone you love? Recently, a colleague came to work crying because she had disappointed the son. Her son had lost a tooth and had put it under his pillow and went to bed. Come morning, mom did not come true as the tooth ferry. The boy cried and mom felt that she has not been a good mother to be there when her son needed her. It may sound silly to you and me but this is a true story. My colleague expressed guilt and sorrow and the rest of her day was a bad one. We all have disappointed someone and have been disappointed by someone especially by those we love and who love us. Most often we tell people we will be there and it turns out we are not and we often have a reason but it is still a disappointment to someone. On his way to the cross and at the most crucial time (when the rubber hit the road); the apostles abandoned Jesus and scattered. The classic case of the denial and feeling of disappointment was that of Peter, the macho, t

"Do this in Remembrance of Me"

“Do this in Remembrance of Me” Someone said, “What you value and cherish, you celebrate and remember”. We have just observed the President’s Day in America. It is a day set aside to remember and honor the past and present presidents. Why do we celebrate holidays, birthdays and any other days we set aside? It is simply because they are important and we do not want to forget. In our study today, we come across a very important ordinance and tradition of the Church. Unlike many others that are man made, this one is instituted by no other than Jesus Christ himself. If you are going to have the last meal of your life with the ones you love, every word shared during this time becomes very important and sacred. Let’s hear our Lord Jesus and pay heed to His words. Luke 22: 7-20 Then came the Day of Unleavened Bread, when the Passover must be killed. 8 And He sent Peter and John, saying, “Go and prepare the Passover for us, that we may eat.” 9 So they said to Him, “Where do You want us to