
Showing posts from November, 2008

Make A Difference - Use or Lose It.

Make a Difference – Use or Lose It. With the turbulence in the stock market and banks and companies failing and filing for bankruptcy, there is the tendency for most people to fear and put their monies under their pillow. Some are even predicting the end of the world as a result of the recent economic downturn. On the other hand, smart investors are taking advantage of the bargain and buying up stocks at very cheap prices so that they can reap big gains in the future. Today, Jesus confronts our fear of investing and reluctance to use what has been given to us for advancing His kingdom. It is not a question of how much you have but what you are doing with what you have in your hands. You either use it or lose it. Luke 19: 11-23 11While they were listening to this, he went on to tell them a parable, because he was near Jerusalem and the people thought that the kingdom of God was going to appear at once. 12He said: "A man of noble birth went to a distant country to have himself

Richness & Wealth, the Greatest Obstacle

Richness and Wealth, the Greatest Obstacle Few months ago, I read about a billionaire in the London suburb who killed his himself and his family. He did it by barricading the entrance to their gated mansion with heavy duty equipments. He used gasoline and pour all around the premises. Then he shot his wife and children. After that he set the premises on fire and then shot himself. The whole mansion burned to ashes because the fire fighters could not get in since the gate was sealed. What went wrong? What a sad ending! On the other hand we read about other billionaires like Bill Gate and his wife who are doing wonderful things around the world with their money and wealth. The Gates are fighting diseases, improving the health and welfare of the poor around the world. Is wealth and being rich an obstacle, a hindrance or an asset for entering and enjoying the kingdom of God? Wana be rich? Watch out! You are already rich in many ways. Luke 18: 18-30 18A certain ruler asked him, "G

Have Mercy on Me, a Sinner

Have Mercy on Me, a Sinner The 2008 Presidential campaign and election has brought out the worst of us in the American Christendom. Accusations and counter accusations were flying left and right. Christians on one side of the political debate are calling each other hypocrites and other names. Some say because you are not concerned about the abortion disease that has plagued this land, therefore, the others are not “righteous Christians”. Another side says because you are not caring enough for the poor and feeding the hungry, therefore, the others are not “caring Christians”. Each side is claiming to have a hold on righteousness and doing only what God wants. Who is really right and is there really such a one who is right in their position? Can our self righteousness and what we do or don’t do get us any where with God? What really should we be doing and what attitude should we live by? Come on! I know you, like me have and did take a position one way or the other during the debat