
Showing posts from November, 2011

A Loving Rebuke - Study 11/10/11

A Loving Rebuke If you have children, you will feel what Apostle Paul is feeling now at the end of this corrective and rebuking letter. Children do some funny and stupid stuff. I have had many occasions when either Jonathan or Grace would do some stupid stuff and my first reaction would be “Are you out of your mind?” Sometimes it is followed with a friendly corrective padding at the place where God had already designed the appropriate buffer/cushion. Of course they will often cry but next I am hugging and comforting them. It is only a bastard who does not get correction (Hebrew 12:7-8). Apostle Paul has finished the “padding”. It was not an easy and comfortable one for him. Listen to Paul referring to the first Letter to the Corinthians, 4 “I wrote that letter in great anguish, with a troubled heart and many tears. I didn’t want to grieve you, but I wanted to let you know how much love I have for you” (2 Corinthians 2:4). Now that is a father’s heart. Paul has to conclude this letter

Could the Dead Rise Again - Study 11/3/11

Could the Dead Rise Again? On October 3, 2011, my father in-law, Chief Ukachi Ikemba passed on to Glory at a good age of 93 years. We thank God for papa for the life he lived and the years he loved and served us and many others. We greatly miss him. Lately we have been having discussions about heaven. I informed Jonathan that grandpa is now in heaven. He has been asking us all kinds of questions about heaven. He asked if I want to go to heaven. I said yes, but not right now. He wants to know who else is in heaven and where do all the bad people go? I have given him some kid’s theology 101 answers. The good people are those who believe and love Jesus and they go to heaven. The bad people are those who have refused to believe in Jesus as their savior and they go to hell. My father in-law was a good and reasonable man but his goodness was not good enough to get him into heaven. By special grace of God, Chief Ikemba believed and trusted Jesus Christ as the savior from his sin and that