
Showing posts from December, 2017

Jesus Our Ruler from Everlasting - Merry Christmas!

Jesus Our Ruler from Everlasting – Merry Christmas! The Scriptures have been very clear about who Jesus is and what His mission on earth is. It is Christmas! Year! I love it. Christmas is not the beginning of Jesus. It is very crucial and very important that we understand this point. Will we allow Jesus to “rule” and govern our lives now and forever? Jesus is God and has no beginning and end. If He is not God, He could not have come to be born as a baby during Christmas. If He is not God in human flesh, He would not have go to the cross to die for our sins. If Jesus is not God, our sins cannot be forgiven because He would have been with sin and not a perfect sacrifice for the sins of humans. If Jesus is not God, He would not have risen from the dead and God cannot be contained in the grave. If Jesus is not God and risen from the dead, everyone who believes and trusts in Him cannot rise from the dead and live forever. You say, where do you get all these from? From Scripture.

God's Ways and His Grace

God’s Ways and His Grace Imagine you have a job that pays $500 for an 8 hour day. In this job, you started working at 9 AM till 5 PM. Now another co-worker came to work at 1 PM and worked till 5 PM. At pay time, the owner of the company pays your co-worker $500 and turns around and paid you $500. How would you feel about what you were paid, about the owner and about your co-worker’s pay? That is exactly what happened in Jesus’ story below. Does the owner of the company have a right to pay you what you agreed to, $500 and pay your co-worker $500 too? Put another way, is it fair for the owner to show grace to who he chooses to show mercy and grace? God is fair but he is also merciful and gracious. He chooses to give people more than they deserve. Can’t God do what he wants to do beyond being fair? Fairness is what we deserve. We have sinned and punishment for sin is death – that is fair. It is fair to give us our due punishment but God has chosen to give us mercy and grace – m

Eternal Life - Impossible for the Rich and for All

Eternal Life – Impossible For the Rich and for All. Eternal Life – Impossible For the Rich. This means most in Americans and the rest of the West and the rich in most developing countries are in jeopardy of seeing God and being saved. By all standards, compared to the man who Jesus spoke to in Matthew 19, most of us in the West are very rich. Jesus makes the following comparison, “Assuredly, I say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Vs. 23-24 Do you still want to get rich? There is nothing wrong with being rich, except if your wealth/money owns you. Jesus demanded the rich man to sell all he had to follow him. That also applies to all of us. For this man it may have been literal because his wealth possessed him instead of him possessing wealth because, “when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful,