
Showing posts from April, 2011

Peace of God at all Times - Study 3/31/11

Peace of God at all Times You do not need to be in the middle of a war zone to lack peace. You can equally have peace even in a war zone. You can be in the most physically secure place and in the midst of plenty and still lack peace in your heart and mind. Do you have peace right now? And do you have peace always and at all times? Are you disturbed and agitated? The subject of peace is dear to me because I bear the name. By divine providence and by God’s grace, my parents named me “Udochukwu” which means God’s peace or the peace of God. Udo means peace and Chukwu means God in the Ibo language. What is peace? It is “a condition of freedom from disturbance, whether outwardly, as of a nation from war or enemies, or inwardly, within the soul”. “Shalom” (in Hebrew) signifies soundness, health and well-being in general, all good in relation to both man and God”. Vines say, it is “the harmonized relationships between God and man, accomplished through the gospel”. The word peace has the follo...

Our Conduct - Study 3/24/11

Our Conduct One of the debates that surfaces during political campaigns is the one on personal conduct and public life. Usually a politician’s immoral indiscretion is exposed and often you hear that what he does in his personal life should not affect his public life. In essence he should not be judged and held accountable for his private conduct or lack of discipline. When it comes to the Christian life, should we therefore be held to a certain conduct or is it anything and everything goes especially since we are under grace? You may not like it but every kingdom that existed has a code of conduct and likewise institutions. The military has a code of conduct. Jesus instituted and called for a code of conduct for his disciples in His kingdom when he said "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another" John 13:34. In our study for today, Apostle Paul calls the attention of the Thessalonians to good conduct and to correct errors o...