
Showing posts from October, 2014

Not Even a Hint Among You

Not Even a Hint Among You This is not a comfortable topic but we must deal with the text at hand. Did you hear of a disheartening statistics of Christian singles and sex? According to authors, Pastors Gerald Hiestand and Jay Thomas, 80% of Christian singles ages 18 to 29 are having sex. It is called the “hookup culture”. Of those surveyed, 75% of those having sex outside of marriage said it is wrong but they are still doing it. The authors wrote a book titled Sex, Dating and Relationships – A Fresh Approach. They claimed that the above national statistics is actually higher when they independently survey their own churches. I do not know what to make of the statistics but God does through His Word and the Holy Spirit. The devil is liar. He encourages the unmarried to defile themselves and discourages the married from enjoying their union with one another. The marriage bed is undefiled (Hebrews 13:4). Let’s say no to Satan’s two lies. In today’s study, Apostle Paul addresses this ...

KTF - Kind, Tenderhearted and Forgiving

KTF- Kind, Tenderhearted and Forgiving I thank God I have a KTF Father, my heavenly father. What will I do without his tender loving kindness and forgiveness? What will you do if you did not have God’s KTF? Last week in our study of Ephesians, we examined some of the vices and sins we need to “put away”. They were lying, wrath, anger, clamor, malice, evil speaking, and unforgiveness. Today we examine the fruit of the Spirit we need to produce and display on a daily basis in our pursuit of “walking worthy of our calling”. “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples”. John 15:8. A disciple and follower of Jesus must bear fruit that will last forever. Let’s listen to Apostle Paul as he writes to the Ephesian Church. Ephesians 4:25-32: 25 Therefore, putting away lying, “Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,”[e] for we are members of one another. 26 “Be angry, and do not sin”:[f] do not let the sun go down on your wrath, 27 nor g...

Do Not Grieve the Holy Spirit

Do Not Grieve the Holy Spirit I went to pick up my clothes from the cleaners yesterday Sunday. I had just finished listening to a sermon on the car radio by Pastor Lon Solomon. He had encouraged people to make the right choices this day, week and their lives as a way to identify with Jesus being the center of their lives. Here I am, excited with this encouraging message and now leaving the dry cleaner to drive home. I joined the road and needed to head the opposite direction to get home. To do so, I stayed on the left lane and entered an exit that takes you into a shopping center. I thought this is my opportunity to make a U-turn until I saw the sign that says no U-turn. Guess what I did? I made the U-turn. Instantly pastor Lon’s admonition about making the right choice flashed all over me. I could not believe what I had just done. I felt shamed and sorrowful. I also became a living an example of rebellion and saw what was in my heart. I had just grieved the Holy Spirit of God that w...

Put Off the "old man" and Put On the "new man"

Put Off the “old man” and Put On the “new man” Please meet Domingo and Irene Garcia. Domingo got Irene pregnant when both were 16 years in high school. They subsequently married with the reluctant permission of their parents. Domingo had long history with police of arrests and short imprisonments. He was drinking heavily and doing other unprintable things. He would come home and beat the wife Irene. Irene felt like she was in prison and the only weapon she had was her mouth which she used to tear and shred Domingo into pieces which resulted to more beatings. There was no hope for this couple until Christ got hold of them. This is a powerful story of redemption and transformation as told by Domingo and Irene on FamilyLife Today radio program. It is not and endorsement of spousal physical abuse and if you are in that situation, please get immediate help. “Domingo and Irene Garcia gave their lives to Christ, miracles happened. Hear Domingo and Irene share how God filled their hearts ...