Not Even a Hint Among You
Not Even a Hint Among You This is not a comfortable topic but we must deal with the text at hand. Did you hear of a disheartening statistics of Christian singles and sex? According to authors, Pastors Gerald Hiestand and Jay Thomas, 80% of Christian singles ages 18 to 29 are having sex. It is called the “hookup culture”. Of those surveyed, 75% of those having sex outside of marriage said it is wrong but they are still doing it. The authors wrote a book titled Sex, Dating and Relationships – A Fresh Approach. They claimed that the above national statistics is actually higher when they independently survey their own churches. I do not know what to make of the statistics but God does through His Word and the Holy Spirit. The devil is liar. He encourages the unmarried to defile themselves and discourages the married from enjoying their union with one another. The marriage bed is undefiled (Hebrews 13:4). Let’s say no to Satan’s two lies. In today’s study, Apostle Paul addresses this ...