"A Cow Led Me To Jesus" - Merry Christmas!

Before we hear this amazing true story, at this time of year, we must ask again, who is Jesus? The bells and sales are ringing louder. The black Friday and Cyber Monday have kicked off the buying frenzy, but please watch your budget. I have completed my outdoor Christmas decorations, just like some of you. 

Why are we getting excited, tensed, anxious, joyful, dreadful, depressed, and etc.? We could be exhibiting any one or more of these emotions during this season. 

Again, who is Jesus? This is just a reminder, not intended to insult our intelligence. Apostle John who was so close to Jesus, answered this question for us: 

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were created through him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created. 

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We observed his glory, the glory as the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth." - John 1:1-3,14 version=CSB 

In the above passage, we can insert "Jesus" wherever it says "Word". So, "In the beginning was the Word [Jesus], and the Word [Jesus] was with God, and the Word [Jesus] was God. He [Jesus] was with God in the beginning. 

Jesus is God. That's who He is. Jesus is the creator. "The Word [Jesus] became flesh and dwelt among us," on earth as fully God and fully human. 

Jesus, God the Son, has always and forever existed before He was born as a human being 2000 years ago. As we celebrate this season, let's keep in mind that God came down to live with us and continues to live with us in the person of God the Holy Spirit. Of course, there is One God. 

Jesus brought us “grace and truth” because He "was full of grace and truth."

I need God's grace and truth like never before. Grace, the undeserved kindness and favor of God is what I need now and forever. My sins are too many to wing it on my own. I need the "truth" in my inner self. I thank God for Jesus who is the only way to God the Father, the truth and life giver and sustainer.

 I can calm down this Christmas season and all seasons knowing that my sins have been forgiven forever, my guilt is gone. This same Jesus died on the cross for all my sins and has given me a new life by His grace. I can now live in His truth and in Him with the Holy Spirit enabling me. I can forgive others because God has forgiven me. I AM FOREVER BANNED FROM HELL because God is my father and I will live with God forever. AMEN.

May we go beyond the baby Jesus in a manger, go to the cross, burial, resurrection and soon return of Jesus. We all love babies, but Jesus is more than a Christmas baby. Our son Jonathan was born few days before Christmas. What a blessing, joy and gift from God. We thank God for Jonathan and all children.

May we find Jesus this season. Rabbi Kirt Schneider, told this true story of a man who told him, "A cow led me to Jesus." As a boy in East Africa, he was rearing his father's cows and the herd got lost and ran from one bush to another. He ran after the cows. Finally, the cows ended up in a village square and sat down. At the square and same time, there was a man preaching and telling people the story of Jesus. The young boy, for the first time ever, heard about Jesus, believed and surrendered his life to God. 

YES, A COW! With God nothing is impossible just like the Virgin Mary conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and gave birth to Jesus, God the Son. The world is forever changed by this intervention and interjection into human history. May you and I be changed/transformed forever because of the story of Jesus as we rehearse or hear it for the first time this Christmas. 

A cow led a boy to Jesus? God can use you and me to introduce people to Jesus. Will you? Let’s allow our circumstances to lead us to Jesus, today and forever. Let us stop resenting things we cannot control but run along with God. 

What is your circumstance? Pray, and with Thanksgiving give it to God and you will have instant peace while God continues to work on your behalf. - See Philippians 4:6-7. Trust/Trusting is leaving someone or something in the care of another. Let's trust God with our whole heart. 

Listen to Apostle John again:

"But to all who did receive him, he gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in his name, who were born, not of natural descent, or of the will of the flesh, or of the will of man, but of God." - John 1:12-13.

You can believe today, if you have never believed and trusted Jesus. We become children of God when we believe and are born again by the Holy Spirit. You need a second birth from above. Thank you, mom and dad. But I need a new supernatural birth from above in my heart. Jesus said, "you must be born again to enter God's kingdom." John 3:3.

This is our Christmas and we may never have another one if Jesus comes today or any of us dies. Allow Jesus to be born in your heart today. 

Pray: Jesus, I believe that you are the Lord and Savior. You died for my  sins, was buried and rose again. I confess and repent of my sins; please save me and fill me with your Holy Spirit to live for you. Amen. 

Don't live without Jesus now or in the future and forever. Amen 

Merry Christmas!

ever because of the story of Jesus as we rehearse or hear it for the first time this Christmas. 

A cow led a boy to Jesus? God can use you and me to introduce people to Jesus. Will you? Let’s allow our circumstances lead us to Jesus, today and forever. Let us stop resenting things we cannot control but run along with God. What is your circumstance?

Listen to Apostle John again:

"But to all who did receive him, he gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in his name, who were born, not of natural descent, or of the will of the flesh, or of the will of man, but of God." - John 1:12-13.

You can believe today, if you have never believed and trusted Jesus. We become children of God when we believe and are born again by the Holy Spirit. You need a second birth from above. Thank you, mom and dad. But I need a new supernatural birth from above in my heart.

This is your Christmas and we may never have another one if Jesus comes today or any of us dies. Allow Jesus to be born in your heart today. Pray, Jesus, please save me.

Don't live without Jesus now or in the future and forever. Amen 

Merry Christmas!

"Kiss the Son". Have you? Don't perish - Psalm 2. Visit us at our blog-site: http://house2housemd.blogspot

Before we hear this amazing true story, at this time of year, we must ask again, who is Jesus? The bells and sales are ringing louder. The black Friday and Cyber Monday have kicked off the buying frenzy, but please watch your budget. I have completed my outdoor Christmas decorations, just like some of you. 

Why are we getting excited, tensed, anxious, joyful, dreadful, depressed, and etc.? We could be exhibiting any one or more of these emotions during this season. 

Again, who is Jesus? This is just a reminder, not intended to insult our intelligence. Apostle John who was so close to Jesus, please answer this question for us: 

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were created through him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We observed his glory, the glory as the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth." - John 1:1-3,14 version=CSB 

In the above passage, we can insert "Jesus" wherever it says "Word". So, "In the beginning was the Word [Jesus], and the Word [Jesus] was with God, and the Word [Jesus] was God. He [Jesus] was with God in the beginning. 

Jesus is God. That's who He is. Jesus is the creator. "The Word [Jesus] became flesh and dwelt among us."

 Jesus, God the Son, has always and forever existed before He was born as a human being 2000 years ago. As we celebrate this season, let's keep in mind that God came down to live with us and continues to live with us in the person of God, the Holy Spirit.

Jesus brought us “grace and truth” because He "was full of grace and truth."

I need God's grace and truth like never before. Grace, the undeserved kindness and favor of God is what I need now and forever. My sins are too many to wing it on my own. I need the "truth" in my inner self. I thank God for Jesus who is the only way to God the Father, the truth and life giver and sustainer.

 I can calm down this Christmas season and all seasons knowing that my sins have been forgiven forever, my guilt is gone. This same Jesus died on the cross for all my sins and has given me a new life by His grace. I can now live in His truth and in Him with the Holy Spirit enabling me. I can forgive others because God has forgiven me. I AM FOREVER BANNED FROM HELL because God is my father and I will live with God forever. AMEN.

May we go beyond the baby Jesus in a manger, go to the cross, burial, resurrection and soon return of Jesus. We all love babies, but Jesus is more than a Christmas baby. Our son Jonathan was born few days before Christmas. What a blessing, joy and gift from God. We thank God for Jonathan and all children.

May we find Jesus this season. Rabbi Kirt Schneider, told this true story of a man who told him, "A cow led me to Jesus." As a boy in East Africa, he was rearing his father's cows and the herd got lost and went from one bush to another. He ran after the cows. Finally, the cows ended up in a village square and sat down. At the square and same time, there was a man preaching and telling people the story of Jesus. The young boy, for the first time ever, heard about Jesus, believed and surrendered his life to God. 

YES, A COW! With God nothing is impossible just like the Virgin Mary conceived and gave birth to Jesus, God the Son. The world is forever changed by this intervention and interjection into human history. May you and I be changed forever because of the story of Jesus as we rehearse or hear it for the first time this Christmas. 

A cow led a boy to Jesus? God can use you and me to introduce people to Jesus. Will you? Let’s allow our circumstances lead us to Jesus, today and forever. Let us stop resenting things we cannot control but run along with God. What is your circumstance?

Listen to Apostle John again:

"But to all who did receive him, he gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in his name, who were born, not of natural descent, or of the will of the flesh, or of the will of man, but of God." - John 1:12-13.

You can believe today, if you have never believed and trusted Jesus. We become children of God when we believe and are born again by the Holy Spirit. You need a second birth from above. Thank you, mom and dad. But I need a new supernatural birth from above in my heart.

This is your Christmas and we may never have another one if Jesus comes today or any of us dies. Allow Jesus to be born in your heart today. Pray, Jesus, please save me.

Don't live without Jesus now or in the future and forever. Amen 

Merry Christmas!

"Kiss the Son". Have you? Don't perish - Psalm 2. Visit us at our blog-site: http://house2housemd.blogspot.com


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