How did you usher in the New Year? Well let me tell you about mine. We were invited to a birthday/end of year party at our across-the-street neighbor’s house. It was a great party and with lots of kids and adults. We had a good time getting to learn and eat food from a different culture than we are used to. Well it came time for the drinks and I reluctantly opted for half a glass of table wine. You see, I am very “lighted headed” so I know that I do not do too well with wine or any alcohol. I know some of you can handle it better than me. Anyway, the rest of the evening was different for me. The little wine took over and I became very sleepy. I did not last too long afterwards and we walked home (after we had prayed with everyone at the party). Subsequently, I went straight to bed.

The Lord reminded me that this is how He wants me to be “controlled and influenced” by His Holy Spirit in 2010. This is God’s will for me and if you accept, for you in 2010. “For this is the will of God, your sanctification.” 1 Thessalonians 4:3.

Ephesians 5:15-20
15Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. 18Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. 19Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs". Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, 20always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

1. Remember who is writing here. This is Apostle Paul (writing from prison in Rome) who had labored and planted a church among the Ephesians through the power of the Holy Spirit. (See Acts 19 20). He is now writing to remind them where they came from; how they started with receiving the Holy Spirit and how to live the new life.

2. We are to live as wise and not as unwise in 2010. A wise person is the one who understands and applies God’s Word in his/her life. Unlike the fool who says and lives a life that says “there is no God” or “God does not see what I am doing”. Let’s live wisely in 2010.

3. In 2010, we are to take advantage of every opportunity God will put in our path to advance His kingdom and shame the devil. Look out for opportunities for they will surely come. Interestingly, the opportunities will exist alongside ‘evil days’ also to come in 2010. We are being warned; don’t only look for a “bed of roses”. Most often, we think of opportunities as that which offers a new job, career or financial gain. Those may be included but that is limiting God and being narrow minded. The real opportunity is to use any platform to help birth another into a relationship with the Savior of the world – Jesus Christ. Will you and I look out for opportunities in 2010?

4. How can we live wisely in 2010? It is by understanding the will of God. God’s will is, “Be filled with the Spirit”. The word implied here is be and continue to be filled with the Holy Spirit. It is not just once in a new-year thing. It has to be year round and 24 and 7. Let’s allow Jesus to control our lives in 2010 and let Him minister through us by the power of His Holy Spirit. Nothing else will work.

5. A Spirit filled life is one that is controlled and directed by the Holy Spirit. I got a test of it last night. The alternative we are told is to be drunk on wine. They both have similar effect are both have spirits. Wine has the small spirit of alcohol and the Spirit has the Spirit of God. If you are filled with the small spirit of alcohol, you need someone else to do the driving if you want to get home alive and not kill yourself and maim others along the way. Hence, the campaign for the “designated driver”. When we lack the Holy Spirit, we cause harm/pain/wound to other lives through our words and actions.

6. How do we cultivate the Spirit and what are the effects of being filled? It will be through time in prayer with the Lord and time in his word. It is through spending time in the “psalms, hymns and spiritual songs” and sharing it with one another. Let’s make it a habit to encourage someone in 2010 with God’s word. Iron sharpens iron so; let’s help each other to be filled with the Spirit in 2010.

7. The ultimate result is that we will “always be giving thanks to God the Father in everything” in the year 2010. A sign that you are “drying up” and need to be filled again with God’s Spirit in 2010 is when you find yourself always complaining instead of giving thanks to God in Christ Jesus. You see, in Christ we have everything we need now and forever so nothing else need to happen in 2010 that should only be the basis of our thanksgiving. We are set already to give thanks in 2010. Do not wait for something else in order to give thanks to God if you have the “Holy Spirit of God and of Christ” living in you. If you don’t have Christ, receive him into your heart today. Ask him to forgive your sins and to be Lord and savior of your life.

8. In 2010, let’s stop running around to this “prophet” or that “man/woman of God" to find God’s will for our lives. He said his Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth. And even reveal to us things to come. That’s awesome. Let’s run only to God in 2010 for all answers. 13 “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. 14 He will glorify Me”. (John 16:13-14).

May The Lord grant us strength to hear and obey the voice of His Holy Spirit in 2010. Amen.



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