God is Sovereign - The Book of Daniel (introduction)

God is Sovereign – The Book of Daniel (introduction)

Watching the world events of recent times, you begin to wonder who is in charge and who is running the world. We have heard and observed calamities after calamities, wars and rumors of wars and massacres of innocent peoples. Now with the internet and television, we watch the world events as they unfold in Haiti (earthquake), China and Asia (floods), Africa (hunger) and oppression by rulers all over the globe. We do not even need to go too far before asking the question of who is in-charge. Our personal lives and lives of those around us sometimes take a turn and all of a sudden it seems the bottom is falling off.

In these series of studies, we are introduced to the sovereignty of God in the Book of Daniel. God is sovereign. This is the theme of the Book of Daniel. “The Most High God is sovereign over the kingdoms of men” Daniel 5: 21. Sovereignty defined by Webster is “supremacy of authority or rule and complete independence and self-government”. The Book of Daniel is a message of hope and encouragement in the midst of suffering whether now or in the future as demonstrated in Daniel’s life and God’s people.

Do you see God’s sovereignty in your life and in the world affairs? It is hard to see and it is not obvious to the ordinary eyes. Come let’s study together and ask that “the glorious Father may give you (and I) the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe”. Ephesians 1:17-19.

Key things to keep in mind and what to look for in our study of the Book of Daniel

1. Daniel was a real human and not a fictional story as some may have argued. The book is a historical document that can be collaborated. The Kings mentioned (Jehoiakim and Nebuchadnezzar, etc) can be pin pointed to specific time and places – about 605 to 535 B.C.

2. Jesus even quoted the Book of Daniel for authenticity. “‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel” (Matthew 24:15).

3. The book is divided into two parts. The first part, chapters 1-6 are historical accounts and events. The second part, chapters 7-12 are apocalyptic (revelatory, prophetic and visionary) events to come at the time of the writing.

4. A quick outline of the book: Daniel’s life in Babylon 1: 1- 6:28; Daniel’s visions of the beast 7:1-8:27; Daniels’s prayer and prophecies of years 9:1-27; Daniel’s vision of God and the future 10:1-12:13.

5. The second part of Daniel is very challenging and hard to understand. We will definitely need God’s help to study the entire book.

6. The key question we must ask and answer is: Will you and I let God to be God in our lives since He is sovereign and regardless of the outcome of life circumstances?

I am looking forward to these studies and I hope you will join me as we dig in and dig deep into the Book of Daniel. Please read the entire book of Daniel at a go to appreciate the flow and get the big picture.

Do you feel like you are in the “lion’s den” at this time? Be encouraged. There is hope for you because our God is sovereign. May God reign in our lives! He is in-charge. Amen.


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