Letter of Intended Divorce from Jesus

Letter of Intended Divorce from Jesus

My Dear Bride

I am considering divorcing you for the following reasons. First I took you as my bride and you agreed to our relationship after you had believed me. It was not forced on you and you willingly said yes. I have always loved you.

However, I have noticed that we have irreconcilable differences. In fact we have always had irreconcilable differences. The truth is that we had it before I met you. I am holy and will always be. I have never sinned nor will ever sin. For a period, I took on sin and died for sinners like you to reconcile you to my Father. You were born a sinner and right there begins our differences. I have always known it but I had mercy and grace on you and took you on as a bride.

Of late I am tired and can no longer tolerate your attitude towards me and how you treat others. In my relationship with you, it has always been about you and what you can get from me. You only come to me when you are in need. There is no intimacy with me and you do everything to avoid a quiet time with me. You would not even acknowledge me to others. You don’t want anyone to know that I am married to you. You just want to keep our relationship secret.

Talk about faithfulness. When was the last time you were seriously faithful to me? You spend more time at the shopping malls and on social media than with me. You are in bed with your career and work and children and everything else except me. They are more important to you than me. Everything that gives you pleasure more than me is idolatry and adultery.

You can see that I have valid grounds for divorce. However, before I file my papers for divorce, I want to remind you that I had allowed you to experience marriage with a human spouse as a representation of my union with you. Unlike the way I have treated you with love and understanding, you have been very harsh to this human spouse of yours. You don’t even consider how I treat you when you relate to your human spouse. I have never shouted at you but you shout at your human spouse often. You highlight every mistake he/she makes and makes a big deal about it with constant criticism.

Again, before I serve you my divorce paper, can you reconsider how you treat your human spouse? If you have already divorced him/her, that is a different case and I still love you. Some of you are just unhappy in your marriage. Some of you are about to divorce your human spouse or seriously considering it. You have cited the same reasons I have narrated in this my letter to you as evidence for your decision. How would you feel if I went ahead and filed and made permanent my divorce from you?

You see, I have determined before the foundation of the world that you are mine. I choose you from the beginning. My relationship with you has always been about holiness and not happiness. Of course I want you to be happy but I am making you more like me. I cannot really divorce you because I knew of your unfaithfulness from beginning. I would be a liar if I divorced you because I promised to never leave you nor forsake you. You do enough to irritate me but I am committed to you in our relationship. All I am asking you is that you do the same to the human spouse you have.

Remember you prayed to me to allow you to have this human experience of marriage and I said yes. You also asked my permission for the very human spouse you married and I said yes. You often have hysterical and historical moments. You recall all that your human spouse has done to you and you refuse to forgive and let go.
I have treated you with grace, love and forgiveness. All I am asking is that you please extend the same grace, love and forgiveness to your human spouse and to others. I have torn my intended divorce paper and I had written on it, “It is finished” and “Paid in full”. Your human spouse owes you nothing and all that you receive from him/her is by grace. Give him/her the same grace you have received from Me.

Resolve your differences the same way I do with you – tenderly, with much love and patience. Relax, and enjoy one another. I designed and established marriage as a blessing. Please remove the word divorce from your vocabulary and write grace over it. Divorce is not in my vocabulary and I hate divorce. I could not have married you even for a second because of your sin nature which is irreconcilable to me apart from my death on the Cross for you.

I still love you and will always love you. I enjoy you because I have satisfied all requirements on the Cross. I will come soon to take you home so where I am you will always be.


Your Lord and Savior, and Bridegroom

Jesus Christ


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