Watch for Dogs and Evil Workers

Watch for the Dogs and Evil Workers

Anyone that draws and chases you away from the simplicity of the Gospel meaning total, absolute trust and reliance in the finished work of Christ on the Cross as basis of salvation is a “Dog” and an “evil worker”. Strong words? Yes and very much so. This is the “Jesus plus my self-effort” gospel peddlers who make no case for the need for Jesus as the ultimate Savior. Any “dogs” around you? Run!

Apostle Paul has just told us to continue to rejoice in the Lord. All of a sudden, the letter turns with the strongest warning and caution for danger. This danger is too important to ignore and it threatens to steal and stop your joy in the Lord and will endanger salvation of souls.

The Philippians are being courted by false apostles and teachers who are parading like dogs. They will confuse, devour and maim. It is the same ploy in our own time too. You cannot please God on your own merits. Here is Paul with the sternest warning in the whole epistle.

“Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. For me to write the same things to you is not tedious, but for you it is safe.

2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the mutilation! 3 For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit,[a] rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh”. Philippians 3:1-3.

In the East, dogs are often wild and not domesticated as pets. The dogs then roamed around in groups and looked for anything to eat including corpses and carcasses. They often harassed people. Paul likens these false preachers as dogs. “The term dog also is used to denote a person that is shameless, impudent, malignant, snarling, dissatisfied, and contentious”.

The false preachers dumped extra requirements on the Philippians. These were the Judaizers who said to the gentiles you had to observe the Jewish rites and ceremonies (such as circumcision); otherwise you are not a true Christian who is justified and saved by Jesus. Paul calls it “confidence in the flesh”.

The effect of this false teaching is making the Cross of Christ weak and void. If you can do all these other requirements then why do you need Jesus? This is where we are today. Many people still do not see the need for Jesus. They can do a whole lot by themselves and for themselves. May I never cease to see my absolute need for Jesus as my Savior and Redeemer from sin and my reconciliation to God.

Paul calls them “evil workers”. In other words they are working for the devil and not drawing people to Jesus. Anyone who is not lifting Jesus up and but rather lifting self/other things up is an evil worker.

At the Cross even the worst sinners (for all have sinned) have a chance. The “Jesus plus” message excludes the worst of sinners and thus look down on people. No one is far from the reach and saving of God. He says “look to Me and be saved”. You can’t work your way up and be saved from God’s wrath.

Do you see your need for Jesus? Do you see others’ need for Jesus or think they can make it on their own? Paul says I no longer see any in the “flesh” meaning with spiritual eyes, all need Jesus. Tell someone about Jesus and let Him draw them. That is all that you and I need to do. Lord help us. Amen.


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