Holy Disruptions - Merry Christmas

Holy Disruptions - Merry Christmas

Have you had a holy disruption? The scriptures are full of examples of holy disruptions. When God ignore the normal and enter into your life to accomplish His purpose, that is what I have called “holy disruption “. You must have one and continue to experience many before you and I see God face to face and be with Him forever.

This Christmas, let’s look at the most important holy disruption and that is that a Holy God became a man to save all men and women from their sins. This ordained event happened through many lives more than 2000 years ago. It is still happening today. Please read all of it in Luke chapter one.

The normal wedding and honeymoon of Mary and Joseph were disrupted. Who doesn’t want a normal and even extra normal wedding and honeymoon? No one.

Prior to Mary and Joseph but related for the same purposes of God, Elizabeth and Zachariah’s lives were disrupted and they lived childless into old age so that God will show His power and bring forth at the appointed time, John the Baptist, a forerunner of Jesus.

Some of the holy disruptions are amusing. Zachariah was muted for 9 months and could only speak at the birth of his son John. Be careful how and when you doubt God. You could be muted in many ways. Rather be like Mary and say, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” Luke 1:38

Notice also that Zachariah and Elizabeth did not have a normal family sit down dinners, school runs and games. Their only son went away living in the desert. Luke 1:80. Think about the humiliation and all that the extended family and neighbors would be saying. They will call them a dysfunctional family. Does your family seem dysfunctional? Mine does for the glory of God.

Talk about loneliness and Joseph will tell you I have been there. Your wedding is disrupted and your sweetheart goes away for three months with no texts and phone calls. Mary went away to visit Elizabeth.

Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, called Mary, “Mother of my Lord.” Jesus did not come to be at Christmas. He has always been for He made all things. He is God (See John 1:1). Christmas is God disclosing himself to humans.

The culmination of the holy disruption came at the cross when a Life was brutally cut short at an early age of 33. God who is now human willingly allowed himself to be killed for sins He did not commit and paying for the sins we all have committed. All have sinned, none of us are righteous. We were going to hell except for Christ dying for the penalty of our sins.

You and I are as guilty as the worst murderer in any maximum security prison in the whole world. Don’t listen to the news and see all the crimes and think you are a better human and you are not capable of doing the same.

This Christmas, would you allow a holy disruption in your life if you have not given up your normal pride of am okay and surrender and receive the ultimate gift of life in the person of Jesus Christ? You cannot work your way to a Holy God by doing good even if you buy all the toys for all poor kids and feed all the homeless this Christmas. Yes we should do those but it’s not enough to satisfy and appease for our sins. Only faith in Christ will. Have you put your faith in Christ? Ask God to grant you grace right now to repent and believe.

If you have already related and been reconciled to God through belief and trust in the death and resurrection of Christ, would you allow continued humiliation and holy disruptions so that others may come to faith in Christ by your love and words of the gospel. You can at least smile, be kind and tell someone about Jesus. Many of us believe in friendship evangelism but we have refused to tell our friends and acquaintances who Jesus is. We are being very polite and politically correct while our friends are on their way to hell without Christ.

Can you be like Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth, Zachariah and John the Baptist and allow Christ to be lifted up through you so that people will be drawn to Christ?

What are the things you call irritations in your life right now that God may have allowed so that through your discomfort others may be blessed? Sharing the gospel is discomforting and a holy disruption of self-pride. You will suffer shame and I have had multiple holy disruptions. I now see my stroke of two years ago as a holy disruption. Please pray for those going through their holy disruptions.

Holy disruptions! I want more but Lord, grant me always the grace to endure for your glory. Help me to understand when everything about me and around me right now does not make human sense. I surrender to your will and purpose in my life. Amen.

Joyful Holy disruptions to you and Merry Christmas to you and your family!


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