The Four Living Creatures And Our Worship

Dear Saints:

We were made for one purpose to worship God. No, God is not an egomaniac who needs our worship. He is doing us a favor and giving us the opportunity to worship Him. It is not that if we do not worship Him, He is not God. He is still God with or without our worship. Our worship does not make God more of God; neither does our lack of worship make Him less of God. We are the ones who need God.

So, what is worship? “The word worship comes from an old English word that means “worthship.” It means to ascribe value to.”  We worship God with all our being and not just singing. We were made for “His pleasure”.

As we continue our study of Revelation, we see that apostle John is given a vision of what is going on in heaven and will go on forever: Let’s continue to read Revelation 4:

“The four living creatures, each having six wings, were full of eyes around and within. And they do not rest day or night, saying:

“Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!”

Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever, 10 the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying:

11 “You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and power; For You created all things, And by Your will they exist and were created.” Revelation 4:5-11.

We met the twenty-four elders last week as a representative of the redeemed church, now in heaven after the rapture. Today we meet the four living creatures. Who are these? Your guess is as good as mine. However, we know that they are leading the worship and singing. They are created to worship God.

We see similar visions given to Ezekiel and Isaiah in Ezekiel 1:4-28; 10:1-22; and Isaiah 6. The living creatures are Cherubims (or angelic beings), and they surround God’s throne. They also performed other functions, as we will see later in the book of Revelation.

Let’s focus on their songs called the “Creation Hymns”.  “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty”. Basically, God is too awesome and set apart in His own class that nothing ever can compare to Him. Why? God created all things period. Do you want to argue with that? Then go ahead and tell us how you came to be.

No living thing or person made themselves. This is the beginning of wisdom to know our creator and also worship Him. It is not enough just to know God as creator, we must worship Him. Nothing else makes sense or works without God as our creator and as our Lord to be worshipped. Science/evolutionists and all can postulate (the big bang, etc.) all they want. It is all nonsense to put it mildly. You can only bang that which is already made. Who made what was banged?

Because God made us, we are accountable to our “Almighty” Maker who can do all things beyond our comprehension. The entire Bible and now the book of Revelation is the account of God’s love and restoration of all His creation. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." It is very exciting to finally exist in the fullness of what God made us to be and to praise and worship Him forever.

For now, we can sing along because “It is Finished” and secured in Jesus Christ. Yes, “You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and power.” Amen. 

Notice the crowns we are casting at His throne because without Him we can do nothing. Don't leave earth without working for your crowns; not for your salvation which is only by grace and not of works (Ephesians 2:8-10). We are saved to do good works for God's glory.

We must therefore keep our eyes on Jesus' mandate to us which is also our worship while on earth: 
 "When they saw Him [Jesus], they worshiped Him; but some doubted. 18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, 

“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen." Matthew 28:17-20.

Are you a disciple, being a disciple and making disciples? This summer and this year, please pray for someone and introduce him/her to Jesus who only can save from the judgment to come. Amen!

Please Note: We will take a month of July Summer-break from our Bible studies meetings and postings. However, we shall not stop personal Bible reading and meditation, praying and worshipping our God and Savior. Please pray for us for opportunities to introduce people to Christ. Amen.


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