ABC of Introducing Jesus to the Yet-to-Believe

1. Be an eye witness. All are not evangelists but all believers are witnesses. A witness has experienced Jesus.  Are you born again and if not surrender to God and start witnessing?

2. Must be filled with the Holy Spirit who actually is the true witness and He supplies the power to witness. Acts 1: 8 “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

3. Fear will stop you before you even start. The Holy Spirit gives us the power/boldness, love and sound mind (self-discipline); and what to say at the appropriate time. Almost all of us are afraid to introduce Jesus to people. No condemnation if we have not been sharing Jesus. We repent (change our mind & actions) and start now.  We must witness out of love for Christ and not as a duty.

4. Most often, the people are more ready than us. God has been working on them. That takes our fear away. Only the Holy Spirit can convict sinners. Make new friends/acquittances with people yet-to-believe and go where they are. They will likely not come to you if you just wait.

5. Pray, pray, pray and pray and listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying. We are in battle, join God in the war He has already won on the cross. We fight against principalities and powers of wickedness in the unseen realm. Pray for specific individuals for friendship evangelism and if street evangelism, pray for the region/location. Pray for more laborers to join God’s harvest of souls.

6. Discern where the person is in their journey with God. Pray and ask God. Ask questions of people you are meeting for the first time. Sometimes you may not have the chance for questions and if you have a gospel tract you can give them.

7. Look for common ground and maybe for a need the person has you can pray for. These are often used to initiate conversations and later point them to Jesus. Jesus is said to have had compassion on the crowd because they are lost just as we were lost without God.

8. Know the simple gospel, summed in 1 Corinthians 15:1-8. What's the gospel? It has two legs - declaration and demonstration.  Faith comes by hearing God’s word. Demonstration by our lives of right living through the Holy Spirit; and by healings, signs and wonders as Jesus said. Paul and the apostles illustrated the gospel. Don’t hesitate to pray for people with faith and expectation.

9. Explain the gospel (the good news) in simple and clear words. We have all sinned against a loving God. He became human and paid for ours sins by dying on the cross, was buried and rose from the dead and ascended to heaven and He is coming again as King to rule and reign in His kingdom. When we turn around (repent), believe and trust in Christ, we are reconciled to God and are saved from the wrath of God to come on those who reject Christ.

10. The gospel is what Jesus has already done and not what we can do by good works. God is the author of all life - physical and spiritual.  See the parable of Jesus - Mark 4:26-29

11. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation and thus requires a response. Offer them opportunity to call on the Lord for salvation. If they are not ready don't force them and keep sowing and praying for them. You will have peace for your obedience to God's command, and thank God that your name is in God's book of life. There will be rejections and persecutions in the process.

12. If they respond, pray with them, encourage them to read the Bible, pray, get baptized, join the church family and be witnesses. Follow up and keep praying for them.

For more detailed trainings, check out free online classes. Here is link to one I took recently: 


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