Happy summer friends.

My eyes were opened to this Scripture I have never seen before. I thought to share:

"The Levites were Jeshua, Binnui, Kadmiel, Sherebiah, Judah, and Mattaniah who was in charge of the songs of thanksgiving and praise, he and his brothers." - Nehemiah 12:8 AMP.

Context: Nehemiah and the Jews from the Babylonia exile of seventy years have just finished rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem despite all attacks and intimidation of their enemies. It is now time of dedication.

Thanksgiving and praise were so important that some Levite priests were appointed for this purpose. Look who was in charge, "Mattaniah" which means "God’s gift or Hope." It speaks volumes to me. You and I are "in charge of Thanksgiving and Praise" to God in our lives. God is our gift and Hope.

In Thanksgiving, we acknowledge, honor and worship The Source - God.
Gratitude will elevate your attitude and altitude to God and people.

Apostle Paul sums up our raw humanity without Christ as follows:

“For even though they knew God [as the Creator], they did not honor Him as God or give thanks [for His wondrous creation]. On the contrary, they became worthless in their thinking [godless, with pointless reasonings, and silly speculations], and their foolish heart was darkened… Because [by choice] they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen." - Romans 1:20-25 AMP"

I see myself in the above Romans 1 passage. It's not just them but us as well.

When we don't thank God, we are focusing/worshiping the resource (creature) and not the Source (The Creator). The resource can hinder seeing the source.
We have many resources (self, family, friends, school, job and etc.) but only one Source. There can only be One Source, God. Don’t confuse resource with source.

Have you appointed a Levite priest in-charge of Thanksgiving and Praise in your temple? We are the temple of the Holy Spirit, the God that dwell in us. We are also the royal priest of God.

One of the greatest weapons of spiritual warfare is Thanksgiving and Praise. In it we demolish every stronghold/thinking that sets itself against the knowledge of God. We paralyze, confuse and destroy the enemy, the accuser, Satan. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6.

Yes, other people can pray for us but only you and I can engage in true and meaningful Thanksgiving to our God. We are made for worship and Thanksgiving.

Don't wait to see the outcome of the things you desire/pray before giving thanks to God. See Philippians 4:6. Your peace and joy will be instant as you thank and praise God. I testify to this truth because I have experienced it many times. You have, too.

Thanksgiving is our declaration of our faith and trust in God. Without faith, it's impossible to please God. I want to be pleasing to God all the time and continually experience His joy which is my strength. How about you?

Lord, I thank you for who you are, my loving Father, my Savior and the Holy Spirit who lives in me. You are more than enough for me. You are the One I am looking for and not a thing or things, nor a person. See Genesis 15:1.

You have found me and revealed yourself to me in Jesus Christ. Jesus, you are more than enough for me. Holy Spirit, you are more than enough for me. I worship you.

Thank you Lord for every other thing that proceed from you, including all people in my life. I am blessed and happy in you.

Lord, I thank you in all things that tend to trigger dissatisfaction in me and I acknowledge your sovereignty over them all.

Satan will remind you of what God has not done for you; and thus freeze your Thanksgiving and praise. Say no to Satan's inspired thinking because God has already DONE it all for us in His love and death on the cross. It is all finished and done, even while we were sinners.

Let us be on the offensive against Satan with Thanksgiving and Praise to our God, the source and Creator. Don't worship your resource but your SOURCE. Amen

If you are reading this and have not put your faith in Christ Jesus, the Savior, I invite you to do so now. Repent, turn and trust in the finished work of Jesus on the Cross for the payment for our sins. Believe Christ died, was buried and rose again and He is coming back as King and Judge of the world He created.

Friend, introduce Jesus to people today and every day. Be a witness of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit to all people. That is your best gift to anyone. We all need Jesus, the Savior because we all  have sinned.

I thank God for you. Thank God today and always forever.  Also, let us thank people. Amen 


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