The Election Revealed Our Hearts

 On November 6th, the day after the USA election, a group of us evangelists went preaching on the streets in a Maryland city. I approached a Caucasian man in his sixties and said to him, sir, I have good news for you. I proceeded to hand him a gospel tract. However, he said, "the only good news I need now is to see Trump drop dead." I was shocked but recovered quickly and said to him, sir, I brought you the good news of Jesus. He grudgingly accepted the gospel tract from me, folded it and put it into his pocket and walked away.

I felt empathy for his discouragement and disappointment because his candidate, VP Kamala Harris lost the election. I began to pray for him that God will comfort him and reveal himself to this man. I can only guess that he doesn't have a relationship with Jesus. Please pray for this man to be filled with the Holy Spirit of God. On the other hand, he could equally be a believer in Christ who yielded to the flesh in his reaction and response.

The encounter left me asking who are we trusting and who is our God? Are we trusting in our political candidates or trusting God? It also revealed the level of anger, hatred and disappointment resulting from the outcome of this election.

What is the source of your disappointment or anger about the election if your candidate lost? What is it about the winning of your candidate that makes you happy and excited?
Let us probe and dig into our motives for whatever is going on in our hearts.

There is the possibility that things we have not surrendered to God reveal the level of our trust and faith in Christ. Is Christ sufficient for us at all times and circumstances? As long as we are trusting a thing, a person instead of God, we will be disappointed and discouraged now or in the future.

Whoever is in the White House would not be our God and can never meet the longing of our hearts nor solve all the problems of America and the world. Please, let's fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith-Hebrews 12:1-2.

I believe one of the things that we can learn and be reminded from this election is that we are not fighting against flesh and blood especially among believers in Christ or even unbelievers. See Ephesians 6:10-20.
We are fighting against principalities and powers and wickedness in high places. Satan is our common enemy and he is the accuser of the brethren.

During this election some were saying "If you vote for this candidate, you are a hypocrite and not a true Christian." The question then is, if you vote for the other candidate, then you are a true Christian? When did voting become the criteria for a true Christian? I call this a different gospel as Apostle Paul would say in Galatians 1:6-7.

My relationship to God, initiated by His mercy and grace is based on my trust in Christ crucified, died, buried and risen from the dead as my Lord and Savior from sin; this made me a Christian and a follower of Jesus Christ.
Have you trusted Christ as your Lord and Savior?  Then you are my brother or my sister in Christ. Let no one divide us because of whom we voted for. However, we will give account to God for all things done in the flesh (based on race, gender, feelings, self-interest, etc. and not done in faith) will be burned up.

As we go forward, Christ is still the only answer to what America needs. We must give Christ to America and to the whole world; for this nation was established by God for this very purpose. Yes, you have voted. Is that all? I challenge us to continue to vote daily by praying for all, loving people and sharing the gospel of Jesus with our neighbors and adversaries.

"So we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making His appeal through us; we [as Christ’s representatives] plead with you on behalf of Christ to be reconciled to God. He made Christ who knew no sin to [judicially] be sin on our behalf, so that in Him we would become the righteousness of God [that is, we would be made acceptable to Him and placed in a right relationship with Him by His gracious lovingkindness]." - 2 Corinthians 5:20-21=AMP

For what shall it profit a person to gain the whole world and lose his/her own soul? A good economy of America is not worth missing heaven for any reason.

Let us pray and continue to pray for one another:

Lord, I repent for my prideful arrogance and any misplaced priorities, unkind/untrue words uttered during this election.  Please forgive me and heal me and all our people. Please Lord, comfort all that mourn and are grieved in this season. Please Lord, use me to introduce Jesus to people so that they will be saved and America and the world would be great for your glory.

Lord, please be merciful and gracious to all our people and leaders. Grant those in authority to fear you and do what is righteous for your glory. Protect and deliver us all from the evil ones. We confess and repent of the collective sins of America; and ask that you heal the land of blood sheds and violence against the unborn, the children and the innocent. Please Lord, forgive us. We thank you for all your kindness, mercies and faithfulness in our individual lives and as a nation. Please continue to bless America and all people of the world. Amen.

We declare that You, Jesus is the God of America and the world. We declare that America shall be saved and likewise, the rest of the world shall be saved for this is God's desire. 2 Timothy 1:1-4.

If you are reading this and do not yet have a relationship with Jesus, please pray as follows: Lord Jesus Christ, I repent of my sins; I ask that you forgive me and give me eternal life. “For whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13). Lord, please save and fill me with your Holy Spirit. Amen.


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