
Darren's Suicide Prevented?

Much have been written by the clinical psychologists/psychiatrists and other notable professionals on suicide - causes and prevention.  I am not one of those professionals. I am here to share a moment of truth and revelation from God, the Holy Spirit. I met Darren this Tuesday, a young man in his early twenties at the gym. He was downcast and wouldn't look directly at me as I tried to make eye contact. He went about exercising from one equipment to the other. After about one and half hours, I greeted him and looked directly at his face with a smile and said, how are you. He was surprised that I asked. Then he said he's okay. I told Darren, you and I must have had enough exercising since everyone else have left. Then I introduced myself since I am meeting him for the first time. He said he is Darren. Later, I said, can I give you this? He asked what is it? I said it's about heaven. Then I proceeded to give him a gospel tract (titled “Going To Heaven Is As Simple As A B C”) a

Why We Must Vote

  Why We Must Vote Dear Saints, Before I go in-depth to answer the question, let's establish that voting and politics is spiritual. Everything about a believer and follower of Christ is spiritual. There's no secular or spiritual distinction in our lives. Everything about us is a worship unto our God. “Whatever you do, do it all to the glory God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31, also see Colossians 3:17 and 23. We are instructed: “Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies [dedicating all of yourselves, set apart] as a living sacrifice, holy and well-pleasing to God,  which is  your rational (logical, intelligent) act of worship.” Romans 12:1- AMP. I am saying all the above because someone would say, stay away from politics. If we study and write on all other topics in the Bible, why not politics because it is also in the Bible.  Please read Romans 13 and 1 Timothy 2:1-4. So, why should we vote?  If you don't vote, you have already voted b

Forgive My Arrogance of Unbelief

  Forgive My Arrogance of Unbelief It just dawned on me that we literally die daily at night and we call it sleep. Then, in the morning, God in His mercy wakes us up to live for another day, perhaps. Please stop and think about it. "Selah."  While asleep, we are temporarily in a different world. When we truly understand what God has set in motion from the beginning of time, how dare us not to trust Him for every second. I now see my foolish arrogance not to wholeheartedly trust, depend and rely on God's love, mercy and kindness for every second. What can we brag about that God has not given us? You may be thinking about material things. No, I am thinking about life itself. Without life, there are no things to acquire and accumulate. Moreover, we only acquire and accumulate what already exists and provided by God in His mercy. I will confess that it has never hit me (with a four by four) to this level before. The words of Jesus, the Creator, in John 14:1 did it. In fact, i


THANKSGIVING Happy summer friends. My eyes were opened to this Scripture I have never seen before. I thought to share: " The Levites were Jeshua, Binnui, Kadmiel, Sherebiah, Judah, and Mattaniah who was in charge of the songs of thanksgiving and praise, he and his brothers." - Nehemiah 12:8 AMP. Context: Nehemiah and the Jews from the Babylonia exile of seventy years have just finished rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem despite all attacks and intimidation of their enemies. It is now time of dedication. Thanksgiving and praise were so important that some Levite priests were appointed for this purpose. Look who was in charge, "Mattaniah" which means "God’s gift or Hope." It speaks volumes to me. You and I are "in charge of Thanksgiving and Praise" to God in our lives. God is our gift and Hope. In Thanksgiving, we acknowledge, honor and worship The Source - God. Gratitude will elevate your attitude and altitude to God and people. Apostle Paul sums u



ABC of Introducing Jesus to the Yet-to-Believe

1. Be an eye witness . All are not evangelists but all believers are witnesses. A witness has experienced Jesus.  Are you born again and if not surrender to God and start witnessing? 2. Must be filled with the Holy Spirit who actually is the true witness and He supplies the power to witness. Acts 1: 8 “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” 3. Fear will stop you before you even start . The Holy Spirit gives us the power/boldness, love and sound mind (self-discipline); and what to say at the appropriate time. Almost all of us are afraid to introduce Jesus to people. No condemnation if we have not been sharing Jesus. We repent (change our mind & actions) and start now.  We must witness out of love for Christ and not as a duty. 4. Most often, the people are more ready than us. God has been working on them . That takes our fear away. Only the Holy Spirit can convict s

How To Lead People To Jesus

 Most of us Christians are afraid of introducing Jesus to those yet to believe. Here is link to a very practical free training on leading people to Christ presented by well known Evangelists from around the world. I  am currently taking it. I highly recommend it and invite you to join. 🙏😀💜 Udo