The Romans Rap

The Romans Rap

As we have come to the end of our study of the book of Romans, I have reflected and tried to put in my own words what I have learned and how God has touched me. I call it “the Romans Rap” (rap up or summary). I could do a musical Rap for you but do not wait for my album or CD debut but listen to the words of my Rap. I know you have a song too from Romans.

Grace, Grace, Grace and more Grace to me
A sinner from beginning I am
You made the call and took the first step
You called me and gave me the power to answer
Grace, Grace, Grace more Grace to me

You ordained before I was born the plan
Grace and more Grace to me
That you will die for me
Cleaned and made me righteous all by yourself

Yes I believed, but only by your Grace
Grace, Grace and more Grace to me
None can separate me from your love
Now I live only for you by your Grace

Grace and more Grace not just to me alone
Your Grace and Mercy you have shown to all
Now I rejoice with them and give you Glory
We give each other room to grow in you

Grace and more Grace to me
I will tell the whole world, my world about your Grace
I am no better than they except your Grace
Lord help me, I still need your Grace
Your Grace will lead me home to you
Grace, Grace, and more Grace to me

"The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you." Romans 16:20


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