Who is this Man?

Who is this Man?

When we were dating, my now wife, U.D. thought she knew me enough to say yes to me for a proposed marriage. I was nice and thoughtful and put on my best behavior. I could do this because most of our dating was through letter writing and international phone calls. I paid enough phone bills that I should own a good portion of the A&T shares. I also thought I knew her enough and was very excited and captivated by her outside and inside beauty to propose to her for marriage. Of course I believed the Holy Spirit led both of us in our individual decisions. Our dating and engagement period lasted about a year before we got married. I will do it again and marry her again any time and always. Despite all of the enchantments of the dating period, in the real sense we did not know each other so much. It was only living together and sharing lives together that we began to really know each other. Though not outwardly spoken, I know she was asking, “Who is this man?” She would later find some of the real me. Part of the real me was a man who needed to go the anger management school desperate because U.D could not understand this man. I thank God that he has helped me deal and still dealing with this aspect of the real me. I said all these to help me and you ask the same question about Jesus that the disciples asked, “Who is this man? Do you know him or think you know him? How much of him do you know and believe? Why? Daniel 11:32 “Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits “.

Luke 8: 22-25

22 One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.” So they got into a boat and started out. 23 As they sailed across, Jesus settled down for a nap. But soon a fierce storm came down on the lake. The boat was filling with water, and they were in real danger.
24 The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!”
When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and the raging waves. Suddenly the storm stopped and all was calm. 25 Then he asked them, “Where is your faith?”
The disciples were terrified and amazed. “Who is this man?” they asked each other. “When he gives a command, even the wind and waves obey him!”

Here are some observations from the passage in addition to the ones you may have:

1. Notice that Jesus initiated this boat ride that is suddenly turning into a disaster. How many times have you and I heard clearly from God and in the middle of obeying what we heard, and it turns into an almost disaster? If you really heard his voice, then stay in the boat and finish the journey.

2. Jesus and his disciple probably had had a full day of ministry and speaking. Jesus was tired and of course slept off. Wouldn’t you or I should say you should also. Even you and I need a break and rest. Completion of the journey is not dependent on you but on Jesus. Notice that Jesus was not apologizing for taking a nap and you shouldn’t either. Many times we feel guilty for taking needed rest; and that is because we are attempting to impress others that we got it all under control. You need a summer break. Get away and enjoy what God has already provided.

3. The winds and storms will come and they are not predictable. The water was already in the boat and it was sinking. The disciples were terrified and were not exaggerating the situation. They called it what it is, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown.” Until you and I acknowledge that this stuff is over our heads, we will not get Jesus’ help. Let’s cry out to God in times of trouble for He will surely answer. Are you going to ask for help or continue to pretend you have everything under control? You know that you are not in control but rather almost out of control.

4. It often looks like Jesus is sleeping when our crisis arise. No, He is not. He is just taking a nap. If you think he is sleeping then wake Him up with your prayers and petitions and thanksgiving, then you will have the peace of mind. Philippians 4: 6-7.

5. Now, the real question is who is really this man called Jesus? Until we know for sure the answer to this question, all we will be doing is going for boat rides and not making it to our destinations. Jesus is God. No ifs and buts. Any other answer is dancing around the issue. Many today do not want to hear that. They are only interested in the Jesus who feeds the five thousand and that speaks “inspiring words” and “principles” they apply to get to their own ends. Yes, the principles will always work in business or any venture but there is more to Jesus than just knowing what His hand provides. We need the “whole” and “holy” of Jesus. Do not go for a partial understanding of Jesus. His promises come with conditions.

6. We must rightly relate to Jesus by faith to own His authority (which He has given us - Matthew 28:18) and the responsibility and accountability which He has entrusted to us. Jesus says, “Where is your faith? Faith in Him as God who can do everything and anything including saving us from our sins. Faith in Him who will bring all people to judgment. When we balance this two aspects of God; that is really when we are living and worshipping Him as God. His love and judgment go together. When was the last time you and I were “terrified and amazed” by God? May He continue to amaze us that God could come down to our own level. Think about it. It only calls for worship that the creator of the universe could be called my Father and your Father because we believe in Him. We will also give account to Him though His our Father.

Who is Jesus to you? We are called the bride of Christ. To me, it means, an ever increasing desire to know Jesus every day. Yesterday is not enough. We must be intimate with Jesus in our worship and study of His Word. Remember Jesus’ question? “Where is your faith?” Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. It is time to stop “dating” Jesus. Dating period is over and we are now in a serious relationship with Him. Do you know and love Him for who He is? Then don’t let any one else “flatter” you but rather be “strong and carry out great exploits” for Jesus. A lot of illicit relationships start with flattery. We have no room for that. We are already committed to Christ alone. Find someone who has hurt you the most; love and forgive them for Jesus sake. Now, that is a great exploit. Will you? May God help us to know, understand and obey Him. Amen.


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