Forgive Them and Forgive Us?

Forgive Them and Forgive Us?

For a period of 14 years, “After his son was murdered, Bernard Williams became consumed by anger and depression. There was, he came to realize, only one way to save himself.” On May 21, 1994, in Baltimore Maryland, Mr. Williams’ son was shot by a neighbor for playing with the neighbor’s parked SUV which set off an alarm. This is a cover page story of the Washington Post Magazine, March 20, 2009. In this article Karen Houppert chronicles Mr. Williams’ journey to finally forgive. It is a tragic and moving real life story.

Now let’s go to the Cross and experience the ultimate forgiveness by the “Son of God” who did nothing to be crucified. The Cross means forgiveness and you cannot forgive others if you have not received forgiveness of Jesus from the Cross.

Luke 23:32-34; 39-46
32Two other men, both criminals, were also led out with him to be executed. 33When they came to the place called the Skull, there they crucified him, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left. 34Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."[e] And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.
39One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: "Aren't you the Christ? Save yourself and us!"
40But the other criminal rebuked him. "Don't you fear God," he said, "since you are under the same sentence? 41We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong."
42Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.[f]"
43Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise."
44It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour, 45for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. 46Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last.
47The centurion, seeing what had happened, praised God and said, "Surely this was a righteous man."

Here are my observations in addition to the ones you may have:

1. Interesting that there were two criminals who were to be crucified on this particular day. I will suppose that the third cross was for another criminal. Note that based on the people’s wish and demand, Jesus was exchanged for the third criminal, Barabbas who was released and set free. Barabbas was in prison for rebellion and for murder (Luke 23:18-19). Now talk about injustice at the highest level against someone whom the judge (in this case Pilate) has declared to be innocent. Many times we think we have experienced injustice or seen or read about injustice, none could surpass this. Let’s keep this in mind when we complain about injustice.

2. After all the injustice and insults and nailing him to the cross, Jesus still said, “Forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”. You must be kidding Jesus! What do you mean forgive them? Look at what they did and you are saying they do not know what they did? Of course they people do know. They have committed the greatest injustice ever handed to any man. I believe Jesus is saying that they actually do not know the consequences of crucifying him. The people including Satan did not know that the cross was the greatest triumph over Satan and injustice, rebellion and every other sin under heaven and earth.

3. Look who is talking; one of the criminals. Hey dud, “Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and save us!” What an audacity? This is the “show me” group. Show me what you can do for me and then I will believe in you Jesus”. It has not changed and this is one of the roots of the prosperity gospel. “If Jesus is not doing it (the miracles) then it is not real Christianity”. Or the world view that says, “Your God is allowing people to suffer including my loved one and until he does something about it, I will not believe”. Watch out for this bad theology. Aren’t you the Christ? Yes, He is the Christ. In fact being crucified validates him being the Christ. You see, Jesus cannot be the Christ, the Messiah, and Savior and at the same time not die on the cross.

4. “We are punished justly”, the other criminal says. Two people witnessing the same event came out with two different conclusions and destiny. Both of this guys heard Jesus say, “Forgive them”. Only one repented to acknowledge his sin and ask God for forgiveness. There will be no excuse for not believing in Jesus, the savior. All have been offered the opportunity to believe and be saved from their sin and be re-united with God. “Today, you will be with Me in Paradise”. It is instant. When the Son sets you free, you are free indeed. Have you been set free?

5. Look at another example, the centurion. He saw what had happened and glorified God, saying, “Certainly this was a righteous Man.” This is what Jesus’ death on the cross should produce- an act of praise and glory to God.

6. What about us? Yes we were not one of those in the crowd on that day. We probably would have joined the crowd to mock Jesus out of ignorance. Jesus, “Forgive us too for our many sins”? Jesus is saying, yes “I forgive you”. He died for all. What have you done you think God cannot forgive? The answer is nothing. If we confess our sins and ask for forgiveness He is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse us from unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

Jesus pronounced forgiveness on the cross without hesitation. He did not want to breathe his last breath without offering forgiveness for what had been done to him. Likewise, we must not linger to forgive. Having been there many times myself, it is hard to forgive. “Recent research shows that holding grudge can be a threat to mental and physical health. Forgiveness can be the cure.” (Washington Post Magazine, March 22, 2009). Even the secular press has acknowledged the importance of forgiveness. We must forgive as Jesus forgave us. Have you asked for forgiveness from God and from those you offended? Have you offered forgiveness to those who hurt you so bad? This Easter, let’s give someone the gift of forgiveness. Who is on your list? Thank you Lord for forgiving me and please help me to forgive others. Amen.


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