Spiritual Wickedness in the Heavenly Places

Spiritual Wickedness in the Heavenly Places

We can learn a whole lot from military strategy disasters. The disasters/defeats were mostly due to surprises from the opposing forces and in many instances lack of intelligence and proper supplies for the defeated army. Here is one of the examples in the Wikipedia under ‘List of military disasters’:

“The Six-Day War, (1967) in response to Arab threats of invasion, Israel launched surprise air attacks which almost completely destroyed the Air Forces of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, then launched a series of ground, air, and naval attacks which saw the capture of the Sinai from Egypt, the West Bank from Jordan, and the Golan Heights from Syria, and heavy Arab losses in personnel and material”.

We all agree that we are in warfare. In this spiritual war, Satan’s key strategy is surprise and diversion. The devil will surprise you when you least expected thus we are told to be vigilant, alert and sober.
But the greatest infliction of the devil comes from diversion. He wants you and me to think and believe we are fighting things we can see like people. However the devil is inflicting his injuries in the realm we cannot see. Thru Apostle Paul, the Holy Spirit has clearly warned us where the enemy is stationed and where the fight is taking place:

12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,[c] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Ephesians 6:12-13.

Who are these principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (PPRW)? They all have one thing in common. They are under the command of Satan himself. They seem to be rankings in Satan’s unseen army. They all work together to knock out an unsuspecting Christian from his or her “stand”. Therefore we are told to “withstand” (resist) and therefore to keep standing. Jesus created principalities and powers, He has disarmed them on the cross; and Christ is head over them all (see Colossians 1-2).

The PPRW are definitely not world governments as some have alluded in the past. We can see world governments. Of course Satan works thru people and governments and anyone who is willing to work for him. Satan does not exist in the flesh until he is allowed to exist and he takes on bodily form. The same way the Holy Spirit of God fills and dwells in us is the same way Satan (as a spirit) dwells in those who grant him permission.

Our fight is therefore in the heavenlies and in the spirit because that is where the enemy dwells. Satan wants us to fight in the flesh and there is no victory in the flesh. If Satan can reduce you to a fleshly Christian, then you are tossed to and fro and harassed by every wind of doctrine. Satan wants you and me to fight with human weapon while he is fighting us with spiritual weapon. Hence Apostle Paul thru the Holy Spirit makes it clear that:

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians10:4-5).

We are not fighting with “carnal” “fleshly” weapons. We are fighting with weapons that have the might and power of God that will pull down strongholds. Do you want any strongholds in your life or any life pulled down? Then employ God’s weapon of prayer and call on God to fight for you. He has already “given his angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways”.

The “Six Day War” is symbolic for us because it was won by Israel in the air with air strikes. We must fight where the enemy is. We must cast down every imagination (stinking thinking) that invalidates the knowledge we have of God that He is mighty, all powerful and loves us.

The goal of Satan is to redefine you and me in this warfare. Thru unsuspecting people Satan will call you names and convince you that you are worthless and nobody. We must answer him by knowing who we are and whose we are. We are blood bought, forgiven forever and filled with the Holy Spirit of God. We belong to God most High and greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world of the devil. We must be convinced of our identity in Christ where God,
“Made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), 6 and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus” Ephesians 2: 5-6.

Who is trying to redefine you? This week, I had a conversation with someone who called me all kinds of names and wanting me to engage at the same level of character assignation. I refused the bait because I knew who I am in Christ. I had to take my battle to the throne of God to present my case. I had to pull down this stronghold thru God’s word. Satan is accuser of the brethren.

This is what is at stake and it is very high. God has called us to a redemptive life. Satan is determined to stop us from living redemptive and offering forgiveness and grace to others. The same way Satan attempted to redefine Jesus and stop Him from going to the Cross is the same tactics he is using on us.

What thoughts are rendering you ineffective in what God has called you to do and redeem? Cast such thoughts down and replace them with “Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things”. Phil: 4:8. Let’s see people the way Christ sees them.

Are you ready to war? Fight in the heavenly places because that is where you are sited with Christ. Pull down every stronghold and cast down every thought that does not line up with God’s Word and who you are in Christ. You must therefore study to know the Word of God. May God help us to fight and keep standing in Christ alone. Amen.


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