A Sword will Pierce Your Heart - Merry CHRISTmas

A Sword will Pierce Your Heart

Ok, let’s cherish the sweetness of CHRISTmas – the lights and decorations, songs, the foods and merriments, the greetings and the pure joy and innocence of the child Jesus. Who would not be thrilled around a bouncing baby? All is good so far except for the malls in America and around the world where you can barely see a place to walk on because of the crowd. Just admit you were in the mall like me.

Everyone is heading to the mall/market. Yes, there is need to buy food but it is more than food. The crowds at the malls/markets reveals that people all over are looking for something – not just good sales and bargains. They are longing for something that satisfies and makes the heart happy. Unfortunately it is not in any mall or market. That is why after the buying, there is even more buying on the 26th and the un-satisfaction goes on for the reminder of the year and into the next year.

Luke 2 reports of Simeon who saw the baby Jesus and was satisfied and ready to depart this world. Why? Because Jesus is Salvation, Deliverance, Wholeness and He died on the CROSS to secure it for the whole world. Listen to Simeon speak by the power of the Holy Spirit:

“He (Simeon) took Him (baby Jesus) up in his arms and blessed God and said:
29 “Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, According to Your word; 30 For my eyes have seen Your salvation 31 Which You have prepared before the face of all peoples,
32 A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, And the glory of Your people Israel.”

33 And Joseph and His mother[h] marveled at those things which were spoken of Him. 34 Then Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary His mother, “Behold, this Child is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign which will be spoken against 35 (yes, a sword will pierce through your own soul also), that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.” Luke 2:28-35.

Are you satisfied because you have seen Jesus and experienced His Salvation? Do you have the Peace? If today was your last day, are you ready to depart like Simeon? You may say Simeon was an old man but young people die too. We mourn with former President Carter whose 28 year old grandson just died after a brief illness. President Carter himself in the 90s was just healed of cancer. Go figure? We all have appointments with death and when it comes you cannot reschedule it.

Oh my friend, your heart and mine must be pierced when we meet Jesus just as Mary’s was pierced. First there is the overwhelming rejection of Jesus. If you identify with Jesus, you must be rejected from all quarters including your family. Is the world’s rejection of Jesus painful enough for you to do something and tell the good news to those yet to see and believe in Jesus? Oh there is pain if in Jesus.

But more so, there is a piercing and a revealing of what is in our hearts. Jesus has come to reveal your heart to you. What is in our hearts? - Actually nothing good that will please God. We are full of sin and that is the revelation. The question is what you will do with the revealed truth. Are you going to pretend that you can deal with it or run to Jesus the Salvation and Deliverer? Jesus only came to save His people from their sin. Sin is an offense, a missing of the target and separates us from a Holy God.

May Jesus continue to pierce your heart so that you will consistently run to Him for wholeness and satisfaction. Friend, nothing will ever satisfy you apart from Jesus. Let’s quit pretending as if our jobs/careers, nice families, clothes, food, sex or entertainment will take the place of Jesus.

Come to the Word (Jesus Himself) so that your heart and mine will be pierced daily for the one purpose of obeying the Holy Spirit’s revelation to us. Simeon, Mary and Joseph all obeyed the revelations of the Holy Spirit to them. Will you as you hear His voice today and tomorrow and forever? Will you depend and trust in God to walk in the light? Walking in darkness is no option and has dare eternal consequences. There is cost to follow Jesus. Maybe you are in it right now. Loving others is costly.

Merry CHRISTmas to you! Merry pierced-heart to you all year round!


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