The Mind of CHRISTmas

The mind of CHRISTmas is the mind of Christ

CHRISTmas is not a baby shower or a new born-naming party. When any baby is born we do not know how he/she is going to turn out in thirty years. The birth of Christ was preordained by God with the ultimate road to end at the cross. Jesus came for the one purpose to die to redeem mankind from sin.

This is the mind of CHRISTmas. Let's never separate CHRISTmas from the Good Friday of the Cross of Christ. When CHRISTmas is separated from the CROSS, we end up with the world's Xmas (Christmas). Xmas is the commercialized Christmas where most people still do not know what CHRISTmas is all about.

Apostle Paul wrote about the mind of CHRISTmas, the mind of CHRIST:

“5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. 9 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father”. Philippians 2:5-11.

This Christmas can we all have the true and right mind of CHRISTmas? Are we willing to surrender all our rights to ourselves to Jesus which is the mark of a mature/maturing follower of Jesus? The only gift you and I can give Jesus this CHRISTmas is our total surrender to HIM. Lord, not my will but yours be done.

This Christmas are you going to throw tantrums because you did not get what you have been praying for all year round? Are you going to esteem other family members better than self when you have those extended family gatherings?

Are you going to give up the ancient family grudge and forgive and release that family member who hurt you or another family member?
Are you going to give gifts that last for eternity instead of the stupid gifts we give one another? Notice that we get in debt to impress people who don't want the gifts in the first place. Can we have the right mind of CHRISTmas to identify those truly in need and help them? May be we could sponsor a needy child/family overseas thru a missionary organization. How about giving the Gospel to someone with much prayer?

Mary and Joseph had the mind of CHRISTmas. They gave up their rights to their final wedding ceremony and delayed the consummation of their marriage. The mind of Christmas is the mind that believes that “37 For with God nothing will be impossible.” Luke 1:37. Mary believed the impossible. God did the impossible - a virgin conception and birth of Jesus.

The Mind of CHRISTmas believes the supremacy and sovereignty of God who has the whole world in his hand. Our God allow the events of history to accomplish His purposes at the due times. Caesar was inspired to order a census that made Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem so that Scripture can be fulfilled.

Why are we so worried about the events of our time whether it is ISIS, Boko Haram or who the next president will be? All are in his hand to bring His purposes to pass. Is it possible that the Muslims in the Middle East are now leaving their homelands to be in places where they will hear the gospel and be saved from the wrath of God and from the great lie of Islam? It is CHRISTmas and all things are possible and it is goodwill and PEACE to all men and women.

The mind of CHRISTmas is the mind for redemption and intercession. Let's pray for people and tell them the good news of Jesus’ birth, death, burial, resurrection and ascension to save the world of sin. The call is still to whosoever believes will be saved for He came to seek and to save the sinner and the lost. Give the gift of the WORD of God to someone this CHRISTmas.

It is possible that you are reading this and you still don't know who Jesus is. You know about the historical Jesus but you don't know him as your Lord and savior. I invite you to exchange your self-righteousness and good works for the free gift of salvation thru Christ. Let this be the first real CHRISTmas to you. Enter into everlasting relationship with God almighty.

I had my first real CHRISTmas in December 1976 Christmas (at age 17) when I first saw that I was heading to hell and separated from God without believing and trusting in the death of Jesus as payment for all my sins. For the first time I saw the need for Christ and for a savior because my self-righteousness and good works will never appease God. Have you seen your need for Jesus and for CHRISTmas?

Please pray today and receive this greatest gift of God. Dear Jesus, I thank you for dying on the cross for me. I realize my sins and offense in rejecting in the past your only provision for salvation. Please forgive me and I repent. Please fill me with your Holy Spirit and help me live a new life in you. Amen

The “Wise men from the East” worshiped the baby Jesus. Everyone at the end must worship Jesus whether they like it or not. “Every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord” vs. 11. Let’s worship HIM now. Have the mind of Christ and mind of CHRISTmas. Amen.

Lord, we thank you for the Gift of Jesus to us this CHRISTmas and forever.


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