My Toilet Prayer Point

My Toilet Prayer Point

Toilet? Yes! I noticed that the tank for one of our toilets had cracked. I don't know how it happened and I had installed this toilet in November 2015. I decided to go to Home Depot (HD) to ask for a remedy. I told them I didn't know how it cracked and showed the picture. They looked at the receipt which was almost six months ago. I was told it had exceeded the return date. I said there must be some guarantee for a toilet that new.

I was sent to the next supervisor who said she can’t do anything for me. She decided to call her supervisor. The next supervisor decided to replace the toilet tank. I had only come with the picture and was asked go back to bring the cracked tank. I went back but did not return immediately. By the time I came back, different people were at front desk. I told them my mission and they told me I must be crazy because no one returns after three months and there is nothing they can do for me.

There began my toilet adventure. Before I continue, please listen to what Paul said to his Philippian friends:
“6 Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God. 7 And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours]”. Philippians 4:6-7.

Last week we encouraged ourselves in the word not to be anxious and not to worry. I was not worried because I had given the broken toilet tank to God. I asked Him to help us fix it.

Now the rest of the story and what it taught me about prayers and supplications (petitions).

The new people at the front desk went all the way to the store general manager who said no and there is nothing they can do for me. I asked about the promise that was made to me and was told it was a mistake and against company policy. I pleaded and would not give in and but holding unto the promise made to me. I was not arguing against policy because I knew that it was true. I held unto the promise and asked them to call the ones who made the promise. I was danced around and lied to and told they had left for the day.

At this point they saw I was not giving up so they offered me half price on a brand new toilet. I considered for a minute but then thanked them for the offer but I still wanted to see the people who made the promise. They now told me that the one who made the promise had gone to lunch and would be back in an hour. I told them ok I will be back in an hour. I was not worried and left the store.

I came back an hour later. I had to wait another half hour before the store general manager showed up.
She went on to explain the company policy on returns. I thanked her for the explanation and told her that I do understand. I told her that I came to reclaim and redeem promise and words spoken to me. She said it was a mistake and that I was given wrong information. I told her words mean something to me and that our words matter. She saw that I was not going away and ready to go to the next level of supervisors.

At this point she made a phone call and spoke to someone. She came back and said they do not have a fitting tank to give me because the model is no more in stock. They offered me a brand new toilet system. She said this a courtesy service and they will not do it again. I thanked her and the rest of the staff. I was issued a store credit for the full price I had paid. With little additional money, I upgraded to a more powerful toilet that flushes better and saves more water. Thank you Lord and for new friends in HD.

What does this have to do with prayer and praying? Everything. Persistence, not worrying and know the power of promise and who has promised. Supplication is pressing on and making specific request. It involves listening and hearing from God. We are his children and He loves us so much and He is well pleased with us. We come to our Father to receive as sons and daughters. Once we hear Him we must be patient, persistent to receive what He has promised.

In the process we get to know God as we press in knowing He alone is our provider. Be a receiver as a son or daughter. Be convinced of your provider who never lies. Along the way the devil will offer alternatives like the half price I was offered and the delays. The other lie is that the One that Promised is not there and available. Our God is ever present and He is always there for us. He will never leave nor forsake us and His peace will “guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. Amen

We must constantly go to God’s presence with thanksgiving. There is always something to thank God for. We should never have an entitlement spirit. It is all by grace. I don't want company policy I want God’s grace. Do you? Now my brother/sister go to God our Father in prayer with specific supplication for that which is on your heart and press on. Be patient and get to know God and people while you wait. Let’s press on for sinners to come to know Christ as Lord and savior. Amen.


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