A Good Stroke – Update and Thank You - August 6, 2016

“A Good Stroke – Update and Thank You”

“If there was a good stroke, you just had one.” These are words from the neurologist to me a day after I had suffered the stroke. Yes, it is a good stroke in God’s perspective. What the enemy meant for bad, God is using for good to conform me to the image of His Son Jesus Christ. I can now look back and narrate how God has used my stroke as platform for preaching the Gospel.
So, like the beer commercial (this bud is for you), this stroke is for me. I thank God in and through it.
I am doing much better from not being able to sit to standing, walking somewhat, raising my arm. It is a great improvement from where I used to be two months ago. I was in the ultimate weak and need-help position. Others bathed me and helped me dress up. I have learned to ask and receive help from others whom God send my way.
It has been a life of paradox. I am weak but very strong in the Lord. I suffer pain and sometimes frustration (e.g. putting on my shoes) but over-joyed in my condition. I could not have been happier and full of joy in the Lord than any other time of my life.
Doors that had seemed closed in the past have now opened up because of my stroke. I used to pray for my neighbors so they can know Jesus as savior and Lord. Now they come to me to talk and we talk about Jesus and things of eternity that matter. Am learning to listen and soak in the Word of God as I play my Bible Apps. I am in a confined heaven-ordered sabbatical. I must go thru it by God’s grace.

I am truly enjoying the journey. Am not worried about getting to the destination which I will by God’s grace. Destination in this case being having full functions of my left arm and leg, fingers and foot. I have discovered that God is with me along the way and that is the most important thing right now. You too please be encouraged in your present situation. God is with you.

I am going for physical and occupational therapies 3 times a week. I also go to the gym for other exercises to awaken the muscles and nerves. Am learning to walk properly with concentration of bending my knee and raising my heel and toes. I am learning to grip and do things with my fingers. I may return to work by mid-September according to my neurologist.

Thank you friends and family for all your prayers, cares, visits, food etc. I am amply supplied and provided for by God thru you and many others. Please continue to pray and thank God for my “good stroke.” Pray for my care-givers (UD my wife and children Jonathan and Grace) and others that God will strengthen them and grant them continued wisdom on how best to help me fully recover. May God bless you and your family. I thank God for you. Amen


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