Who Are You Weeping For? Weep Like Jesus

Who Are You Weeping For? Weep Like Jesus

There comes a time when we are wounded so deep down into the core of our being. If you have not been there, you will. I can assure you of that. It is not if but when. It may be your own suffering but usually, it is about someone you love so dearly. It may be a child suffering unbearable pain from ill health and going through what you do not understand. It may be a teenager who has rebelled and gone his/her own way contrary to all you have taught him/her. A lost love? Have you been wounded deep down?

What should we do when we are so wounded in our spirit? As disciples, we learn from our master and our Lord Jesus Christ. Here is Jesus weeping and lamenting for Jerusalem:

37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! 38 See! Your house is left to you desolate; 39 for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’ Matthew 23:37-39.

We must weep and lament with hope like Jesus. He knew the ultimate doom of their continued rejection of Him. Christ, though knowing the condition of the people of Jerusalem, still proceeded to the cross to die for them. He loved them dearly and that is why He wept.

Actually, Jesus wept for us and not just the people of Jerusalem. We are the ones who killed the prophets and stoned the One sent to us. When we fully comprehend that Jesus wept for us, then only then can we properly weep for others with great hope. If we don’t weep like Jesus, we end up with self-pity for ourselves and for the ones we are concerned about. Jesus offers more than self-pity. He offers and guarantees hope, love and life. Jesus raises the dead up out of the miry clay of sin and deadness.

People we weep for are not often aware of their conditions of sin and pain. Apostle Paul says they are “dead in sin and trespasses.” Ephesians 2. A dead person is not conscious of their surrounding and people around. Someone has to wake up the dead to make them alive. Only Jesus who has risen from the dead can make dead people alive.

The best we can do for our loved one or anyone is to present them in prayer to God. Let our crying and weeping be unto the Lord. He hears and sees and does something we cannot imagine or ask.

Like Jesus, we must leave them alone when they are “not willing.” We cannot force anyone to change but we can pray for us to change and see them differently from God’s perspective. We must trust and have faith in God who knows them better than we do.

Allow them to learn their lessons even the hard way. They may be “desolate” for a while. We hate to see them so but we were desolate ourselves at some point. It is in the midst of crucibles that transformation of mind and spirit are formed and sustained. Be kind to them even in their desolation and emptiness.

Their actions will directly hurt you. But we must still go ahead and pay the price and continue the sacrifice just as Jesus. We will never completely understand it all but we must go through by faith. For the just shall live by faith. Let’s not go by what we see but to the One who is invisible.

Who are you weeping for and for what are you weeping for? Can suggest worth weeping for? The souls of men and women who do not have faith in Christ and heading to hell. If they don’t repent and trust the finished work of Christ on the cross, they will perish forever.

Let’s weep for our children, relatives, co-workers, neighbors, classmates, community, state, country, and the people of the world. Christ wept for all of these people and we must. We must also tell them about the saving grace of Christ – the Gospel.

Dear brother or sister in Christ, weep on with great Hope. The Lord will surely wipe away our tears (Revelation 21:1-4). Weeping may endure for the night but Joy comes in the morning.

Be encouraged today and encourage someone else in Christ. Amen.


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