Book of John - Believe for Eternal Life

Book of John- Believe for Eternal Life

We are beginning our study of the book of John or the Gospel of John as recorded by Apostle John.

If it’s a book written today it will have a book cover and a title and likely a subtitle. I have a firsthand experience since I have just written a book to be published soon. John’s book would look like this:

Cover title: Jesus Christ God is Here

Subtitle: Believe Him for Eternal Life

This book is not a standalone book but rather one of 66 other books saying the same thing in different forms and in different periods and different genres. We call the 66 books the Bible. They are all pointing to Jesus Christ, Son of God, God Himself and savior of the world.

The purpose of the book of John is very clear and well stated – how to find eternal life (see John 20:31).

Let’s look at the Bible as a big Manual for life and as we would look to a car Manual or any other equipment such as the cell phone. Have you noticed that in many Manuals they have a section that says read first even if you don’t read the rest? This first section is to get you started in operating the equipment or device. Some manufacturers actually print a small pamphlet for getting started and in addition to the big Manual.

The book of John is the read first of the New Testament manual and I would say of the entire Bible. If and when you meet a person who has never read the Bible or not familiar with the Bible and don’t know what it is about, please ask them to read the book of John first.

I can expect the question. Why are we then studying this book? I have read the Bible before and for many times. Good question! Can I ask then; if you want to get anything out of the entire Bible, what is it? I will like to get God himself and have Eternal Life. As such I don’t mind reading and studying John over and over again and again. If something is so important to you and it’s a do or die for you, wouldn’t you spend the most time understanding it? So, I humbly invite you to study with me about who Jesus is and that He is God and that He is Eternal Life and gives Eternal Life to any who believes in Him (See John 3:14-17).

What is Eternal Life? Discover as we study together.

Again why do I need to spend so much time studying the book of John? I need to know Jesus beyond any shadow of doubt so I can believe Him and through Him to know myself and how I need to live and be.

When I know Christ my God who died for me and adopted me as His own child, then I can tell others who He is and invite them to discover the greatest adoption plan for all humans who are living as orphans and fatherless because of sin. As long as you remain in sin you are an orphan, fatherless, without God, hopeless, miserable and already living the best part of life in hell which will be lived to the fullest when you die.

Thanks be to God for Jesus Christ; God in the flesh who died for me, was buried, rose from the dead and ascended into heaven and coming back for me and for you if you believe in Christ. The book of John tells us this and much more. John records the person of the Holy Spirit God who now lives in me. God is ever with me now and forever. I know Him and that’s what Jesus said is Eternal Life in the book of John (See John 17:3).

Friends, I cannot wait to dive into this study and I hope you are excited as I am.

Please read the entire book of John nonstop to get the flavor. Remember there were no chapters in the original book so please read as one account first. Later we will read and study precept by precepts and words and paragraphs and chapters.

There are all kinds of debate about when John wrote the book. It ranges from A.D. 85 to A.D. 125. You can do your own in-depth study on that.

For now let’s be satisfied with the truth that the book is an eye witness account and revelation and inspiration of the Holy Spirit who led John to write. It was written close enough when it happened and when it was observed by John.

There is little question about whether it was John or another who wrote. John the evangelist and one of the 12 disciples wrote the book. John indirectly named himself as the author of the gospel of John (See John 21:19-24).

Father, please reveal yourself to us as we study the book of John. Help us to believe and trust in you as our eternal life. Amen.


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