"It is I: Do Not Be Afraid"

Dear Saints:

Is it just me? I feel like most of us are like the disciples in the midst of the strong waves in the sea, and here comes Jesus walking on water and now we are terrified. We are afraid of drowning in the oceans of our problems – the health issues, marriage problems, children acting up and even outright disobedience, sibling squabbles, in-laws and out-laws issues, deaths in the family, neighbors/co-workers envy and disdain, financial crisis, national crisis of racism/tribalism, mass shootings/suicides/drug overdose, political uncertainties, social media overloads and on and on.

In the midst of all these, please hear Jesus. “It is I; do not be afraid.” John 6:20. Note that the disciples had two fears; one of the strong waves in the sea (please read John 6 again), and two and the greatest fear, seeing Jesus walking on water. They have never seen a man walk on water before. I will surely freak out like them.

When you see God in His glory as Jesus appeared while walking on water, your problems will pale compared to God’s glory. The ask today is: Can you and I seek God’s glory even in the midst of all the waves of problems? We must be looking for Jesus in the storms and not looking at the storms of life. We must go to Him in prayers and His word to seek Him, and hear Him say, “It is I; do not be afraid.” We must make the choice daily; and that is either to be overwhelmed/burdened by the issues at hand or go into His presence and be reassured that Jesus is present and He is still with us. Will you just pray right now for that which is overwhelming you?

Even in the midst of our own problems, let’s not forget the rest of the lost crowd/world who are still looking for just “bread” to eat. Jesus also had a word for them too. “35 And Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst…40 And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.” John 6:33, 40.

You need the bread of life not what you are toiling for now in your job and career. Your neighbors, co-workers, friends, family and etc., need real life, the “everlasting life”. That’s what I need; I need Jesus and He is for here and now, not later. Pray for and speak to someone who truly need Jesus.

Lord Jesus, I need you right now and in every moment. Help me to seek you and find you every time. Help me to hear you say, “It is I: do not be afraid.” Help me to point others to you for the true “bread of life”. I cast all my burdens to you and I will trust you alone for You are my God. Thank you Lord for hearing me and answering my prayers. Amen.


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