What is in Your Hand for Jesus to Use?

Dear Saints

Good intentions without action amounts to nothing. We all have good intentions that we have been hoping to act on and especially simple acts of kindness. In today’s study, we discover one of Christ’s greatest miracles where He fed five thousand men in addition to women and children (please read John 6). How did it come about; and what should we know about Jesus and what should we learn to be and do?

First, Jesus knows you very well including what you have and what you will say and do. So, just do it and stop pretending. Jesus, after seeing the large crowd and wanting to feed them approached Philip. Note that Jesus loves all people even when they are like sheep without shepherd. Please listen to the exchange:

5 Then Jesus lifted up His eyes, and seeing a great multitude coming toward Him, He said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?” 6 But this He said to test him, for He Himself knew what He would do.

7 Philip answered Him, “Two hundred denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may have a little.”

8 One of His disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said to Him, 9 “There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?” John 6:5-8.

Philip is me. You will be tested like Philip. There is always one thousand and one reasons why we make things seem impossible for Jesus to do. Hey, don’t laugh at me. You are a Philip too. What was your last excuse and impossibility thinking? Is it in healing, feeding, evangelism, or what? This is Jesus’ test,: “Will you trust Me? For nothing is Impossible for Me”; Look to Me not at the circumstances or mountain in front of you”.

I love Andrew and I want to be like him when I grow up. Andrew is always introducing people to Jesus. Remember his now “famous” brother Peter, Andrew brought him to Jesus. Now, Andrew is bringing a boy with his lunch to Jesus. I don’t think the boy was compelled to give up his lunch and he could have been Andrew’s son or relative. Andrew said, “Jesus, here take this boy’s lunch and do something that will surprise me”. One of your best gifts to Jesus is introducing people to Jesus. Who will you introduce to Jesus this day and soon?

Notice that Andrew was just listening and seeing the need at hand. Jesus did not directly speak to Andrew. If you wait for a direct word from Jesus, you will not do anything. You already got His word: “Go and make disciples” and love others as I have loved you. That is enough for you and me.

Did you know that one of Jesus’ name is “Wonderful” (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus, God the Son does wonders every time. What can you give Jesus today so He can do wonders through your hand? Is it a kind word to an annoying boss, spouse or neighbor? Is it your lunch money you can set aside and bless someone who really needs it? Is it sharing the simple Gospel even when you cannot explain all of the meaning of the trinity (like me)? What do you have in your hand? Please stop complaining and stop looking elsewhere and at what others have and doing or not doing.

Where do you land with this miracle? “14 Then those men, when they had seen the sign that Jesus did, said, “This is truly the Prophet who is to come into the world.”

Do you see Jesus, the almighty God? Whatever God does through you and me must result to people seeing the almighty Jesus who can do all things especially, give a brand new life to a dead man/woman (dead in sins as all of us were).

What do you have? Maybe you don’t know yet, but you have two knees so pray for people and rule and reign with Jesus in this here and now. Lives will be transformed when you pray for all in authority and for all people (1 Timothy 2:1-2). Stop complaining like everybody else and pray. Amen. Don't wait for the best time and the big thing to do for Jesus.

Father, I give you my little lunch. Please use it to feed thousands. I will trust you for the impossible in my life and around me. Amen. I look forward to hearing your testimonies on giving Jesus what you have. I have so many to share.

For the first time, Jesus can also transform your life into a brand new life if you give Him all your sins. He died for all your sins and will forgive all as you trust Him right now.

Please do not die with loads of non-acted upon “good intentions”. I do not plan to; but rather, I want to have zero “good intentions” when I die.


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