I Am Not Black

Dear Saints:

I am not black, neither are you white, brown, yellow or any other color. I am the image of God. "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." (Genesis 1:26-28). I believe going back to the beginning will help us understand the racial crisis of our time and thus respond properly.

When I say “I am not Black”, most of you understand what I am saying. Of course I am not saying literally that I am not black nor denying the diversity of God’s creation. I also wanted to get your attention.

All peoples without exception are made in the image of God. That’s what I am saying. When I see you as the image of God, I will not dare kill you and neither would you when you see me as the image of God.

When MLK said to be judged by ones character instead of the color of their skin, he was not dismissing the beauty of God’s creation of peoples of all colors. I believe MLK was pointing to the essence of who we are which is far greater than the color of our skins.

What has gone on in the past and going on now in our nation is more than what we can see in the natural eyes. We are in a spiritual warfare and we are not fighting against flesh and blood but against wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:10-20). May we fight accordingly with the full armor of God. We must pray without ceasing and act as we are led by the Holy Spirit.

Oh there’s evil in this world. Satan messed us up when Adam and Eve were deceived and believed his lies that God did not love them and was not looking out for their best. Satan is still doing the same - lying, deceiving and destroying through human agents.

Almost all people of all races who watched the latest snuffing of the life of George Floyd abhor the evil. The pain of it is too much for me so I prefer not to watch again.

Of course we demand change for the long lasting racism of America and the evils done to the native American Indians, African Americans, the Jews, Hispanics, Asians, all minorities and all people of color. We pray and protest righteously(and minding COVID-19 crowd spread) for change in America. We are angry and we must not hide it and we denounce every evil and hatred in America. The status quo in America is no longer acceptable and must change. As we speak and must speak, may we also be reminded of the words of James 1:19-20:

“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.” (NIV).

I am also reminded that the same evil is being done in my country of origin, Nigeria where we have just one color, black. There are tribal hatred and tribal injustice/discrimination and killings of great proportions that are purely evil. There’s evil all over the world and in every country and every heart. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Jeremiah 17:9. We thank God for taking away the evil of our hearts through Christ Jesus.

I am a double minority. I am a minority in USA and a minority in my homeland where my tribe, the Igbos were brutally butchered during the Nigerian/Biafran civil war of 1967 to 1970. We are still being marginalized and discriminated against. But I am more than a minority. I am the image of God and have been saved and washed by the blood of Jesus.

Racism, tribalism and hatred are manifestations of the sin in the heart. There is only one cure for sin. He is Jesus Christ.

The only real answer in America and all over the world is still Jesus and His Gospel. Brothers and sisters, we must preach Christ crucified for the forgiveness of all sins and for all peoples. We must also live out by example the Gospel and produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit - to love one another and all peoples (Galatians 5).

Let us overcome evil with good. Let us wipe out darkness with the light of Jesus in us. Let us also talk with each other of different races and process our feelings of anger together.

Lord Jesus, we confess our sins and sins of this nation and all nations. Please forgive us. Please heal us and heal our land. May your peace reign in every heart and reveal yourself to all to see your grace and mercy. Lord, please be gracious to us we pray in Jesus name. Please help us see tangible change in America in our generation and beyond. We thank you for all things and for every circumstances. Amen.

I thank God for each one of you. You are the image of God. For you who may not have a relationship with Jesus and have not accepted Him as your savior, I invite you to be reconciled to God today. Ask God to forgive you and grant you His Holy Spirit to live a new life. Congratulations if you have just done so.

Regards always



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