Are You Prospering And Do You Want To?

 Dear Saints:

As we continue our study of 3 John, we are confronted with one of the words of the Bible that has generated so much interest, confusion and heresies. That word is “prosperity” or to “prosper.” In its basic form, it means to “go well” as in a journey.

It has been elevated to having material wealth. Some in the church have added good health to material wealth to equate to prosperity based on 3 John 2. They have made a strong following that says and believe that if you are a Christian, you must have wealth and good health otherwise you are not exercising your faith; and “sowing enough seeds” and naming and claiming prosperity. This, in a nutshell is the prosperity gospel from the pit of hell.

But is it true? It is true that God wants a general welfare for us as His children but financial success is not an entitlement and a guarantee. God provides for the needs of His children. Prosperity gospel is covetousness which is idolatry of a small god (Colossians 3:5).

So what is prosperity in the context of 3 John? How do we measure prosperity? What is John’s concern for Gaius? Let’s read 3 John 1-4:

The Elder, To the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth:

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”

First, John was offering a personal prayer for a friend, Gaius whose name means “ to rejoice”. This doesn’t necessarily and always mean God’s general will for all His children. John is wishing Gaius well but he is more concerned with the wellness of his soul. God desires spiritual wellness for all people. As long as Gaius’ soul is prospering, every other thing is in prosperity.

We are reminded of Jesus’ words, “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” Mark 8:36 .

The soul prospers when it’s in the truth, and living and walking in the truth.  A commentary on this scripture said, “To walk in truth means to walk in a way that is real and genuine, without any phoniness or concealment.” There must be observable signs of living in the truth and not just believing in the truth or having the right doctrine.

People around Gaius noticed that he was walking in truth. Can that be said of you and me?

 So are you and I living in the truth by the power of the Holy Spirit? Are you prospering and in prosperity? This is not the same as whether I have enough money to pay my necessary bills and pay for the luxuries I have designed and desire?

I thank God that He has one standard for success and prosperity - prosperity of our soul and not necessarily wealth and health. Otherwise what do we say to millions all over the world under poverty and not sure of the next meal and/or who may have health issues? Of course our God heals and lifts people up from poverty. And of course there is a place for hard work and diligence required of us.

I pray that we will start using God’s standard for prosperity to see ourselves and others. When we do we may notice how bankrupt they are even in the midst of wealth and health. We will see their need and our need for true prosperity.

Like Gaius, do you have the truth in you? The truth is Christ himself. Are you walking and living in truth; hearing the voice of Jesus and obeying even with dire consequences? Jesus is our prosperity.

Yes I believe in the doctrine of forgiveness and that Jesus has forgiven me. But am I forgiving those who have offended me? Am I asking for forgiveness from the one I offended? Perhaps, the Holy Spirit is bring someone to your mind. Am I building up or tearing down people with the words of my mouth?

Lord, I confess that I have not prospered in my soul as much as I want to prosper in health and other things. Lord, please forgive me and grant me a renewed mind to seek you first and your righteousness and all other things may be added to me (see Mathew 6:33 and 2 Chronicles 26:5).

Can you help someone to prosper today and in this season by introducing them to Jesus? That one you may envy because of their material wealth may really need Jesus because they are truly wretched and poor in their soul prosperity. Likewise the poor in health and money also need Jesus for true prosperity. We must reach all with the true gospel of Christ.

Lord, please grant me true prosperity in you. Please help my soul to prosper in you as I prosper in other things. Amen.

Friend, I pray you prosper in all things and be in good health even as your soul prospers. May God supply all your needs according to His riches for His glory. Amen 


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