Darren's Suicide Prevented?

Much have been written by the clinical psychologists/psychiatrists and other notable professionals on suicide - causes and prevention.  I am not one of those professionals. I am here to share a moment of truth and revelation from God, the Holy Spirit.

I met Darren this Tuesday, a young man in his early twenties at the gym. He was downcast and wouldn't look directly at me as I tried to make eye contact. He went about exercising from one equipment to the other. After about one and half hours, I greeted him and looked directly at his face with a smile and said, how are you. He was surprised that I asked. Then he said he's okay.

I told Darren, you and I must have had enough exercising since everyone else have left. Then I introduced myself since I am meeting him for the first time. He said he is Darren.

Later, I said, can I give you this? He asked what is it? I said it's about heaven. Then I proceeded to give him a gospel tract (titled “Going To Heaven Is As Simple As A B C”) and he said he's good, meaning no, he doesn't want it.  I said, so I will see you in heaven? He said he didn't believe in heaven or hell. 

I asked what do you then believe? He said when he dies, everything ends. I said if that's the case, living now doesn't make sense. That we are already dead even while living. That living and existence continues after death. He responded, that's what you believe. At that, he didn't want to talk with me anymore. I said, please think about what I just said. He seemed puzzled.

Darren picked up his things and headed to the basketball court to shoot balls. I was also heading out to leave the gym and I walked with Darren. I told Darren, you remind me of my son, Jonathan. He says there is no God (for which I am not intimated). I believe telling Darren about my son softened his heart as reflected in his subsequent responses. I asked Darren if he believes there is God. He said he's not sure. I told him that I liked his answer because there's room. I told him to please find out if there's God. That I will be praying for him. He thanked me and we parted.

Lord please be merciful to Darren. Reveal yourself to him in many ways that he will never doubt again.  Grant Darren and Jonathan, the grace to believe. Please remove the temporary spiritual blindness in them and in many others. Amen.

I left Darren, chewing and digesting the whole encounter. Darren had been at the gym before me. I had spent at least one and half hours. It was midmorning about 10 am when this particular recreation center is usually scanty with patrons. Darren, apparently wants to be alone.

With this kind of fundamental belief of no future hope after death, may be the possible root cause for many suicides There are many things we may never understand on the subject of suicide on this side of eternity. Since then, I have been praying for Darren and have asked others to pray for him. If there's no God and all stops to exist at death, why live for now? The Holy Spirit further opened my eyes as I began to read and meditate on the verse of the day for today, Friday.

From my Gateway Bible app. It says: "For God alone my soul waits in silence; From Him comes my salvation. He alone is my rock and my salvation, My defense and my strong tower; I will not be shaken or disheartened." - Psalm 62:1-2 AMP. Without God consciousness, any of us will be shaken, discouraged and disheartened. This is recipe for a hopeless life and existence. Please read the entire Psalm 62 and meditate/chew on it.

Here's hope: "For God alone my soul waits in silence and quietly submits to Him, For my hope is from Him." - Psalm 62:5. I began to put things together. This week at my daughter's high school, they were told that a 12th grade young man just died the previous night. That the school was offering the students counseling opportunities but never publicly said the cause of death. We also received an email saying the same to all parents. In many cases, it is a suicide situation. Lord, please comfort and strengthen the young man's family and the student body; and all families who have experienced loss of a loved one through suicide. Amen.

There's definitely no real hope for living and strong will to live when God is not in the fabric of life. This applies to all, young, old, rich and poor and powerful. Listen to vs 9:  "Men of low degree are only a breath (emptiness), and men of [high] rank are a lie (delusion). In the balances they go up [because they have no measurable weight or value]; They are together lighter than a breath." - Psalm 62:9 AMP. All of us are in the same boat.

What to do at all times: "Trust [confidently] in Him at all times, O people; Pour out your heart before Him. God is a refuge for us. Selah." - Psalm 62:8 AMP. We must trust God to live daily. We must talk to God every time and tell Him how we feel. God already knows and just want us to come and accept His unconditional love and grace. See verses 11 and 12. “All power”, “lovingkindness and compassion belong to God.” He will act as we wait. He knows what is best for us.

What about Darren who is not there yet? We must engage them in conversations and speak the truth of God's word to them. The lies of Satan must be countered with the truth of God. I often engage in conversations with my son and my wife and I continually pray for him. Oh, yes, the Holy Spirit will surely remove the temporary blindness from his and Darren's eyes as we continue to pray for them and all. There's great hope.

Yes, secular counseling helps. Please seek it. But it must be combined with the truth of God and the great HOPE in God that has been secured by Jesus' death, burial and resurrection. Because He lives, we shall live now and forever. Amen. Read the Psalms and learn to wait on God especially in the midst of the storms of life. Also, see Isaiah 64:4.

Do you know a Darren? Please pray for him or her and speak the truth of God to them. Don't shy away from asking people what they believe about God and life after death. You may be surprised but don't be intimidated.

Are you a Darren listening and reading this? There's great hope in God. Believe and trust Him today. Put your hope and faith only in God. Pour out your heart and feelings to God. Please talk to someone now before it's too late. God loves you and we love you too. You shall not die prematurely but live to enjoy and fulfill all of God’s plan and purposes in your life. Amen. Please don’t give up but trust God.

I have great hope in God for Darren and Jonathan for their salvation. Amen. Please pray for them and the many others who do not yet believe and trust in Christ. Thank you.


Thank you sir. I know that God does amazing things when we humbly obey him. I pray that God give me grace to share the love of Christ everytime and anytime. I pray for Darren and Jonathan the Holy will reveal Jesus Christ to their heart this night and that the surrender their lives to Him. Thank you and may Jehovah keep you strong physically and spiritually. Amen
I believe Darren has been saved from suicide . I pray for other like him and Jonathan, that the blindness of their heart be healed by the Holy Spirit in Jesus name Amen.

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