Holy Spirit Sealed - Our Spiritual Blessing Part 3

Holy Spirit Sealed – Our Spiritual Blessing Part 3

What good does it do you if your old car that have gone through major transformation with brand new body and painting still has the same old engine that would not start the car (with oil leaks all over the floor). For your car transformation to be complete, you need a brand new engine that can run the car. It does not matter how beautiful the new body and paint job is on your old car and it does not matter how much bragging about the new body you do. Without a brand new engine, you are going nowhere except to look pretty in the car garage. You will never be driven to be a functioning, useful car to the owner.

Folks, you and I are like the reformed, transformed old car. We need a brand new engine to be drivable and fulfill our purpose. We need the Holy Spirit of God – the “core engine” of the new life in Christ. The Holy Spirit, the third person of the God-head is the certification and validation that we now belong to Christ.
Listen to apostle Paul. “13 In Him (Christ) you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, 14 who[b] is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory”. Ephesians 1:13-14

God has designed us only to live the new life in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. No Holy Spirit in you, no Christ in you. This is none negotiable. We are not called to do our best and please God. We have been called to God for Him to live the new life of Christ in us and through us. “Apart from Me you can do nothing”, Jesus tells us. Life is in the “Vine” and we are the “branches”. Cut the “Vine” and the branch dies.

The word “sealed” signifies ownership and also “do not touch” zone for the devil. We belong to God forever and nothing shall be able to separate us from His love in Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit in us is also “the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession”. Christ who has redeemed us (purchased us) is coming back for what He has put a deposit on. No one ever forgets or leaves a merchandise they have put a deposit on. The Good news is that the price has already been paid in full by Christ so there is the guarantee that He is definitely coming back for us because “where He is, we shall be also”.

We have every reason in the whole world to jump up and down and rejoice exceedingly and bless/praise our God. We are the most blessed of all people.
Notice that nothing will be accomplished by you “to the praise of His glory” except by the Holy Spirit. Anything not done through and by the Holy Spirit in our lives is the work of “flesh” and produces noise and nuisance for God and not “glory”. Later we will understand why Paul by chapter 5 instructs us to be “filled with the Holy Spirit”. If we have already been “sealed with the Holy Spirit” at the beginning our life in Christ, why then “be filled with the Holy Spirit” as Paul instructs later. Stay tuned for the answer. For now get to know Him through His Word and time of intimacy in prayer with Him. He is always there and lives in you. Let’s fall in love with Him. He the Holy Spirit is already in love with us. We can tell Him anything and all things in prayer. What a peace we have in Jesus.

Lord I thank you for the God-head, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I believe in the holy trinity and that you live in me at all times. Thank you for blessing me with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Lord, continue to abound in my life. Grant me the listening ear to hear your voice and to do your will according to the Holy Spirit that dwells in me. Help me to comprehend that you, a Holy God lives in me, a sinner saved by your grace. Live out your life in me and through me, in Jesus name. Amen.

Can you and I stop struggling and ask the Holy Spirit to take over our lives? He is there for the asking – Luke 11:13.


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