Redemption and Forgiveness - Our Spiritual Blessing Part 2

We continue with our study of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. We learn of the other “Spiritual Blessings” we have been blessed with in Christ; if and when we believe in Him and have trusted Christ as our Lord and Savior.

We focus on “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace 8 which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence” (Ephesians 1:7-8) . What a blessing! We have been “redeemed” or “bought back” ( as like in slavery to sin and Satan) through the precious blood of Jesus. What a high price to pay by God through His Son. We have also been “forgiven” by the “riches of God’s grace”. Riches of His grace here implying “in-exhaustible”, “more than abundant”. God has been more than generous with us. Every sin we have sinned and yet to sin have been forgiven by His grace. It calls for continues praise and thanksgiving to our God. Have your sins been forgiven? You better make sure.

Let us note that God did what He did for us (redeemed and forgave us) "in all wisdom and prudence". In other words, God intentionally redeemed and forgave us. It was not an unwise act by God. Usually our natural self would not forgive because it makes no sense to forgive someome who has offended you. But God thinks it is wise and very prudent to redeem and forgive. Do we want to be "wise and prudent"? Then let's forgive like God did for us.

Can you and I be at least a little generous to those who offend us? Who has hurt you the most? Please forgive him or her today. They probably have not sinned against you as much as we have sinned against God and He has forgiven us and still forgives us. Of course I don’t know what they have done to you (and it is really very bad and hurtful) but still forgive just as “God in Christ has forgiven you”.

Dear Father God, I thank you for blessing me with redemption and the forgiveness of my sins. I do not deserve it nor have I earned it. Now Lord, grant me the grace to forgive others as you have forgiven me, in Jesus name, I pray. Amen.


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