Enemies of the Cross of Christ

Enemies of the Cross of Christ

Unfortunately many of the enemies of the Cross of Christ are in the Church. Hello! Are you hearing Paul? He says watch out and note those who walk/live in the pattern of Christ. Many are not walking after Christ and are walking/working for themselves. Paul warns his Philippian friends and us:

“17 Brethren, join in following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have us for a pattern. 18 For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: 19 whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame—who set their mind on earthly things”. Philippians 3:17-19

Observe the characteristics of the enemies of the cross of Christ:

1. They preach a different gospel and not “Christ crucified”. They make up various criteria of being a Christian other than believing and trusting in the finished work of Christ on the cross. They reject and oppose Christ’s way of salvation. These days they even say you are or not a Christian based on your political party (democrat or republican). They are always adding things you must do to maintain your salvation in Christ as if it is a rental property. We are in a relationship with Christ and not a business contract. They have the name of Christ and deny the power of Christ.

2. The enemies of Christ are those “whose god is their belly”. Always for what they can get from ignorant people of God. They are the ones who hang the “tithe rope” on your neck telling you that you will be cursed if you don’t pay your 10% to a beggarly God. How can Christ die for you and turn around to curse you for not paying Him 10%. As long as the pyramid scheme is working for them, they don’t care what happens to you. They are off on their private jets and Jaguars and Mercedes while you are still riding and catching Bus #Z8. We give willingly to advance genuine God’s work as a love offering.

3. They are those “whose glory is their shame”. These people are not ashamed to brag about their possession while they have no self-control over their sensuality and vanity. Their worldly appetite and passions are insatiable. They have no room for the orphans and the widows.

4. They focus their minds on “earthly and temporal things”. These people teach and convince others that life must be so good here on earth. You must do everything possible to be successful, rich and live persecution free here on earth. There is no persuasion of life after here. It is the get-rich-quick, self-improvement, prosperity gospel of today. There is no mention of the cross of Christ; no bearing His cross nor suffering for His name sake nor the sake of the gospel.

5. The enemies of the cross are set for self-destruction unless they repent and turn to Christ. You can hear Paul’s cries for these people. “Now tell you even weeping”. Paul knew these people personally who went off preaching a different gospel. He weeps for them and people they are leading astray. We should be weeping for some of these so called minister that are preaching nonsense every Sunday. Some of you are attending their churches and you need to get away from any such places. I have been there and I know what I am talking about. Only the grace of God saved me from the false teachings and teachers.

Friend, Paul started by saying “join in following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have us for a pattern”. Paul was living after Christ and actually Christ was living in him as such he can be a good example to follow. We are to observe those who are living after Christ and follow their examples.

Most of us are reluctant to say to others follow my example. It is pride and a life not completely surrendered to Christ. You are looking at your own righteousness instead of relying on the righteousness of Christ in you. We are afraid to put Christ to the test in our lives because we are relying on what we can do. It is all what Christ can do thru us by His resurrection power in us.

Let’s watch out for the “dogs”, the “evil workers, the mutilation” and the “enemies of the cross”. We are to be blamed if we refuse to pay heed to false teachers and those who do not preach the sufficiency of “Christ crucified” gospel. May God help us and may we preach and live the true gospel in Jesus name. Amen.


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