Insulting Jesus by Your Unbelief?

Dear Saints:

Are you waiting to see before you believe the Words of Jesus and believe HIM as the Only God? There is no other God but Jesus, the all knowing creator of all things! And waiting to see result before believing Jesus is not FAITH in God but faith in yourself. If you have to see results first and the reality of what God by His Spirit has spoken to you then you are saying you are your own god, therefore there is no need for the almighty GOD.

Faithlessness is an insult to the person and character of God. How many of us and how often are we insulting God by our unbelief? Jesus' Word is enough because He needs no external entity to perform whatever He has said. You and I are the ones who need help, not God.

Are you insulting God today by the things He has spoken to you and you have refused to believe but waiting for signs before you step out? If it makes too much sense to you before you can believe, then it is not faith. Hebrews 11:6 says, “ But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”

In our study of John 4 (please read again) today, we see this in reality where a man believed without insisting on evidence before believing. 'The nobleman said to Him [Jesus], “Sir, come down before my child dies!” 50 Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your son lives.” So the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and he went his way.” John 4:49-50.

Many of us are wondering how we can please God. Faith in Who God is pleases Him. The man who went to Jesus believed that He is God and went his way believing that his son is well. Notice that Jesus had to first rebuke the unbelief in this man and then he believed. “48 Then Jesus said to him, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe.”

It is not easy to believe but with God’s grace, we can believe. This man received the grace to believe that caused him to walk away knowing his son is healed. The Lord is rebuking our unbelief today and the misguided quest for seeing “signs and wonders” before we believe and act.

When we believe, the sickness will go away but more than that, we now have a relationship with Jesus and all our household come to trust in God. “And he himself believed, and his whole household.” John 4:53. Your household (including those you work with and relate to) must be transformed because you believe. This nobleman is probably wealthy and had servants working for him. His household changed forever and received eternal life. All our believing and trusting must lead to eternal life; otherwise, it amounts to nothing.

Yesterday, I was tested to believe or not to believe the word of Jesus – “go and make disciples”. I was distributing tracts in a parking lot and I saw this big man sitting in his car. I was like, no way, will approach this big dude. I went a different way but my spirit would not release me but I was afraid. I said, Lord, help me. I came back and spoke to the man about the grace of God.

It seemed like he had been waiting for someone to speak and pray with him, which I did. Please continue to pray for this man, Lamont, that God will perfect all things in his life and family. Fear will freeze our faith from taking steps on what God has said to us. Ask God to help you with whatever you are afraid of even now.
What are you wrestling with today and still debating whether you will go forward in faith believing God even when the present circumstances seem contrary? Lord, grant us all the grace and faith to believe you and act in faith. Amen.

Today, believe for the salvation of your loved ones and neighbors even when you cannot presently see it. Pray for them and speak to them by the power of the Holy Spirit. Leave room for God; for He may use "bad" circumstances to save your "household" as He did for the nobleman in today's scripture. Amen.


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