Do You Really Want to be Made Well?

Dear Saints:

This is a simple question that Jesus asked a man who had been sick and crippled for thirty eight years (please read John 5). Jesus is still asking the same question to you and me. Do you want to be made well?
He is not asking, what is your condition, illness or sin. He already knows just as He knew about this man in today's account.

Note also that Jesus is the one who approached the man and initiated the conversation. There were many others in the crowd of sick people around this fake healing pool. Jesus knows you individually and comes just for you.

All of us are sick and have sinned. We prefer hanging around others like us who are sinners and are sick. Misery enjoys company. We also go to places and hang out where there's supposedly "moving pool " that promises wholeness but it cannot deliver.

No wonder Jesus asked the question. It may be obvious to others that what you are into and relying on cannot deliver you; so the real question is: Do you want to be made well or do you want to keep hanging out there doing the same old things and expecting a different result?

We sometimes must be confronted with hard truths that can set us free. Jesus is the TRUTH.
What is it that you need to be made whole and well of today? The first thing to be made whole is your mind and you. You need a renewed mind to see Jesus Christ and recognize Him as God almighty, and that nothing is impossible for Him to do. From there your thinking changes and you will be able to listen and obey what Jesus tells you.

That's exactly what happened to this man. Jesus told him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” 9 And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked” John 5:8-9.

The command is very simple to obey. Pick up and get up and get going. That's not complicated. It's the same command to you today. Simply obey what Jesus has told you or is telling you now by His Holy Spirit.

Some of us are looking for big things to do and Jesus is saying get up and get going. Confess that sin to Him and ask for forgiveness. Forgive that one who has hurt you so badly and now you are in a crippled position for so long because of unforgiveness.

Whatever it is you have heard from Jesus, just do it. We all have heard Him clearly saying "Go and make Disciples." Can you do that and tell someone else who Jesus is, the Savior of the world from sin and hell punishment?

Do you really want to be made well? No more excuses and waiting for the “water to move”, or for that call to come in; or counting the number of years past. By Faith in Jesus, do something He has said. May God grant you and me the grace and strength to get up today and walk and keep walking till we see Jesus face to face. Amen.

Maybe, today is your first encounter with Jesus the Savior. Congratulations. You are now His child because you have put your trust in Him, believing He died for your sins, buried and rose again and coming back to take you home to heaven. Keep trusting Jesus and follow Him wherever He leads. Amen.


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