Is Jesus equal with God?

Dear Saints:

Jesus had one major crime the Jewish leaders accused Him of and sought to kill Him and eventually killed Him for it. Listen to the exchange, after Jesus on a Sabbath, had healed a man that was crippled for thirty eight years (please read John 5).

“18 Therefore the Jews sought all the more to kill Him, because He not only broke the Sabbath, but also said that God was His Father, making Himself equal with God. 19 Then Jesus answered and said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.” John 5:18-19.

Notice that Jesus did not deny their accusation but confirmed in the conversion that He is God. Jesus said, I am God the Son. Whatever God the Father does, that is what God the Son does. He and the Father are one. Jesus' miracles and His resurrection back up His deity beyond reasonable doubt.

The attack has not stopped today. Even within the general umbrella of Christianity, cults like the Mormons and the Jehovah Witness and many others still deny the deity of Christ. If Jesus is not God, He cannot be perfect and cannot save anyone by His sacrificial death on the cross.

The Muslim religion categorically deny that Jesus is God. Here is what I received last week in the mail from the Muslim organization. It is their imitation of our Gospel tract. The first question posed and answered in the pamphlet says, “Is Jesus really God?” Answer: “The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary was no more than a Messenger of Allah…” (The Quran, 4:171). ..The idea of associating a human to God is very limiting and disgraceful to the glory and greatness of the Creator of the universe. Muslims love Jesus, but without a doubt, God is greater.”

Do you hear what the Muslims are saying, believe in and teach? It is exactly what the Jewish leaders of Jesus’ time believed and killed Jesus for. These are not alone. Most of the world do not believe that Jesus is God. How tragic!

Oh, my friend, more than ever should we hold to the highest, Jesus as the only God the Son. If He is not God, He cannot have had a virgin birth. Jesus is the very Creator of all things for God’s glory. He is not a created being. He created all things.

So what? What’s the big deal? This is our Faith, the Christian Faith. This is what we believe that gives us the right to be the children of God. May we never cease to proclaim Jesus as God the Son. He is more than a nice guy and a prophet. Amen.

Please help explain and present the true Jesus to all others – the Muslims, Hindus, the Nones (the growing 23% of the population in America who do not identify with any religion), and etc. It is time to weep for the souls of the Americans and all people worldwide who are headed to hell without Christ.

Lord, help us and please save America and the nations of the world for your glory. Thank you Lord for opening our eyes to believe you the One true God - Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Please open the eyes of all to see and believe you. Amen.

Here is a link that compares who Jesus is in Christianity vs. other religions,


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