Throw the First Stone

Dear Saints:

Yes, throw the first stone if you have not sinned and have no sin. Go ahead and throw the first stone on the woman caught in adultery as if adultery is a solo practice (Please read John 8 for our study). Where is the man? We pick and choose types of sins and classes of people who are sinners and we quickly forget to include ourselves. It feels good to catch other people’s sins but not our own.

We live in a day when filleting other peoples’ sins (presidents, politicians, leaders, ordinary people) sales and the TV and electronic media are highly rated and paid good for it. Dig up enough dirt about anyone to make the news and make yourself look better. We join them with our itching ears and gossiping mouths/writing fingers to analyze and spread the dirt.

Someone has said that Jesus stooped down and started to write the names and addresses of the women whom the accusing men had also committed their own adultery or other sins with. The Jewish leaders forgot that they were dealing with the all-knowing God – Jesus Christ.

We like to fool ourselves that no one else knows our sins and that is the biggest lie and deception. When we realize that all we have done is in the watching eyes of God, we will take a different posture to our sins and other sinners. All have sinned including me and including you. I thank God for the revelation of this obvious truth.

Hear Jesus:

10 When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, “Woman, where are those accusers

of yours? Has no one condemned you?” 11 She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” John 8:10-11
This was the worst and best day for this woman – afraid of losing her life and on the same day meeting Jesus her savior.

A sinner sins. That is no surprise. It is our nature to sin. The evil is within. We need a savior who has never sinned and is super-natural (spiritual) to take our natural and give us super-natural. That is what Jesus has done for us who believe and trust Him as our savior.

Now He wants to do same for everyone and every sinner. Without knowing it, the Jewish leaders were making disciples and evangelizing but in the wrong way. They dragged a sinner to Jesus and He set her free. We have been called to do it better and love people and bring them gently to Jesus who will set them free.

We should no longer be appalled by sinners (since we were in the same class) but to gently bring them to Jesus. Let’s stop freaking out on the news of the day and the evils we see but to use these for prayers for people and for evangelism.

Can I challenge us to something different? The next time you hear in the news/or online about the evil someone has committed, can you please pray for that person? Let’s stop being disciples of CNN, FOX News, MSNBC and etc. in spreading their “gospels” of throwing first stones. Let’s be like Jesus and be compassionate but still say like Jesus, “Neither do I condemn you; go

and sin no more.” God reveals other’s sins to us for intercession not for gossip or to condemn them.

We do not condone sin in ourselves and others for which Jesus died. We must constantly keep in mind that we have been saved by God’s grace and as such God’s grace is available to save any worst of sinners. Let our love show in obedience to Christ and to love others toward finding Jesus. Amen.

Again, Jesus emphasizes the new life in Him. ““I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” John 8:12.

As followers of Christ, we must walk in the light, not in darkness; for sin is darkness. But we must be praying for others and speaking to them (in love) to come to Jesus the LIGHT. Jesus gives us the power and strength to walk in the light. Let’s trust Him to do that in our lives. Jesus does not want us to have a head knowledge of Him but to live in obedience to His words.

Lord, I thank you that you did not throw the first stone on me but said to me, “neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” Lord, help me to constantly examine myself to obedience to your commands.Thank you Lord for cleansing me from every sin as I confess and repent. Lord, help me to be your agent in this ministry of reconciling sinners to you. Amen.

“Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. 21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” 2 Corinthians 5: 20-21.

To whom have you been sent to today? Plead for God to them today.


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