"In Me You Shall Never Die"

Dear Saints:

Last week, we saw that Mary and Martha thought Jesus delayed his coming, therefore their brother Lazarus died while sick. If Jesus was there they claimed, Lazarus would not have died because Jesus would have healed him. We like Mary and Martha reach all kinds of conclusions regarding God and what He will do and can do.

Keep in mind that Jesus could have healed Lazarus from where He was by just speaking healing. We get disappointed when it does not go our way. But it is not God’s fault. It is because of our ill-conceived expectations that we are disappointed.

Who has known the mind of God except the Spirit of God? I thank God that God is God and I am not. God knows everything and has the best in mind for us.

Mary and Martha were looking for healing but God had the best in mind - resurrection. Would you rather be healed and die forever or would you rather die and be raised to live forever?

In our continuing study of John 11(please read the entire chapter again), this is what Jesus is offering us and the whole world. Please hear God the Son out:

“25 Jesus said to her [Martha], “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” 27 She said to Him, “Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.” John 11:25-27.

Do you believe this? This is the bottom line question. Do you believe that you will never die but live forever in Christ? There are no ifs or buts. Though I may die physically in this body but I will never die in my spirit. We are spirit beings wearing fleshly body. We will have a glorified body like that of Jesus after his resurrection.

We see a perfect example in the resurrection of Lazarus who died and was already stinking after four days. Jesus demonstrated not only His own resurrection but our resurrection. Doesn't this excite you and cause you to go bananas?

Dwell on it and chew it over and over. Am too excited about my fate in this dying world that I live with great abandonment to the God who will raise me up to live with Him forever.

This resurrection is now not in the future if you believe in Jesus. “4 But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 5 even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), 6 and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 2:4-6. Awesome!

When we comprehend this truth and start living in the here and now, Christ and Christianity starts making sense. Can you live and act like one who will never die? All fear will be gone because we are filled with the love of God who now lives in us. Perfect love casts fear.

Many of us are waiting for eternal life and eternity. Eternal life and eternity is here and now. Do you believe it and believe Jesus, the Son of God? Then live likewise. Do we really believe what we say we believe? With God all things are possible, so you will never die but live forever in Christ. Amen.

Look at the end of the story of Lazarus resurrection: “45 Therefore many of the Jews who came to Mary, and saw what He had done, believed in Him.” John 11:45. The end result and the purpose of the entire book of John comes to: Do you believe in the Son of God? Many believed in Jesus and are still believing in Jesus today. We thank God for all who believe and rejoice with the heavenly angels.

We must believe and help others to believe especially today (America’s Halloween) when people are scared and celebrating "darkness ". We are the children of light if we believe? I have no covenant with darkness and the devil and as such I don't celebrate and join in the so called “fun of Halloween”. It is not as innocent as you may think.

There are demonic forces in action on this Halloween day. To each his/her own convictions. When was the last time you saw witches and Satanists dress up and joined us for the celebration of Christ’s birth and resurrection? Why then should I join them? That’s just me. Be led by the Spirit of God this day. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. This is a day of spiritual warfare. Please pray without ceasing that God will destroy all works and plans of Satan. Amen.

Whatever you do today, please do it to the glory of God. This is a good day to share the Gospel that forever casts out the spells and evil spirits away from people.

Notice that it said, “46 But some of them [who saw the miracle] went to the Pharisees and told them the things which Jesus had done.” John 11:46. One group believed in Jesus while others did not believe and became errands for the enemies of Jesus. We must make our choice. We are disciples and we make disciples of Christ.

“Do you believe this?” These are the words of Jesus. Today, introduce and present Jesus to others. If you have not believed, please put your faith in Jesus the resurrection and the life. You may not have tomorrow to decide.

May God's grace abound for you. Amen.


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