"Do Not Receive Him Into Your House" - False Teachers/Prophets

 Dear Saints:

“Do not receive him into your house”

Is that really in the Bible? “Do not receive him into your house”? Who is this person? These are the “deceivers” the false prophets/teachers; and there are many of them. These are also the “antichrists” and they are all around us.  How do we know who they are and how do we relate to them?

As we conclude our study of the Epistle of 2 John whose theme is the "TRUTH", let’s read the admonition of Apostle John in context, 2 John 7-11:

“For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. Look to yourselves, that we do not lose those things we worked for, but that we may receive a full reward.

Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him; for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds”.  2 John 1:7-11

Apostle John is addressing false prophets and teachers and in the first epistle we were told to test every spirit to know if they are from God:

 “Dear Christian friends, do not believe every spirit. But test the spirits to see if they are from God for there are many false preachers in the world. You can tell if the spirit is from God in this way: Every spirit that says Jesus Christ has come in a human body is from God. And every spirit that does not say Jesus has come in a human body is not from God. It is the teaching of the false-christ [antichrist].” 1 John 4:1-3

We have a responsibility to do due diligence to discern and expose the false teachers and prophets. We live in the era of  multiplied “fake news” through social media.  Paul also addressed false teachers in Galatians 5:7-13 who were teaching obedience to the laws/circumcision as a means of salvation instead of trusting and relying on the sacrifice of Christ for the forgiveness of our sins.

The context here (2 John) and then were traveling teachers and prophets who went from city to city visiting various churches. They were provided for by the people they visited. Hence, they were not to be welcomed if they were false prophets and teachers.

We must not make room for false teachers to teach us or our children as individuals and/or as a congregation. They lead us away from obeying Christ and bring confusion in our lives; and can cause everlasting damages in our lives.

What is this doctrine of Christ that those who did not teach it are classified as false teachers/prophets?  The doctrine of Christ is; Christ came in the flesh as 100% God and 100% human. He is also coming again in the same form. Christ leads us to God the Father and to love Him and love others. The Jehovah Witness (JWs) and the Mormons and other cults do not believe in this Jesus.

If we get who Jesus is wrong, every other thing is wrong. If He is not the true Jesus and the TRUTH Himself, then He cannot not  atone for the sins of the whole world and cannot save us from our sins and the wrath/judgment of God to come.

You and I probably have immediate/extended family members, friends and neighbors who believe in the doctrines that are antichrist (the JWs, Mormons, Muslims and etc.). It does not mean we run from them but we must refuse to have them teach in our houses or congregations to propagate falsehood. Present the false teachers with the TRUTH, Jesus Himself. Please don't argue with them.

We must at all times be redemptive with the goal to bring people to the true knowledge of Christ. So let’s pray for the false teachers and hope that God will remove their spiritual blindness. We must also know the TRUTH and the doctrine of Christ so we can present Jesus Christ, the good news and His Gospel to all around us.

If you have not known and seen what a true dollar bill looks like, how can you present it to another and how would you know the counterfeit bill? Please investigate and know the TRUTH of Jesus Christ first for yourself and then for sharing with others.

Lord, please deliver us from the evil one Satan and his false teachers and prophets that are in our midst all over the world. Please Lord, grant us the discernment to know and recognize these false teachers and prophets to expose them. Amen

Are you a false teacher/prophet; or a believer in the false antichrist doctrine? Please repent, ask God for forgiveness and turn your heart to the TRUE Jesus Christ, the only "TRUTH" and the only "WAY" to God and the only "LIFE" worth living forever. 



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