Revenge Is Sweet. Don't Taste It.

Dear Saints,

Repay Evil With Good.

As we continue our study of 1 Peter 3, apostle Peter speaks to all of us, not just husbands and wives, to love and submit to one another. We must keep reminding ourselves of what Peter said previously:

 "Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart, 23 having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever." 1 Peter 1:22-23. 

Our faith and new birth in the Spirit is the foundation of the grace on which we stand. Everything in our lives flows from our new life in Christ - we are born again by the Spirit. We must never forget; otherwise, we start thinking we can do anything with our strength. "You must be born again," said Jesus.

Now let's continue again from 1 Peter 3:8-9:

Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing." 

I like the phrase "all of you." No one is exempt. There are no super Christians. There are only Spirit-filled Christians. The Spirit of God produces the fruit in our lives, namely loving one another. It is supernatural to love.

Have you tried loving in your strength, forgiving someone, etc.? The big one is not repaying evil with evil but with good.

Oh, brothers and sisters, revenge is sweet. We all love it and crave it. It is so natural you don't even need to think about it. We all get into it from time to time in various ways. We do it individually, racially, tribally, and as a country. All wars started with revenge.

The wars in your marriage, extended family, country, and the world are to get revenge. Worse is to inflict more significant damage/harm than was done to you.

We have it playing right now in Ukraine and the Russian war. Do you see the carnage and destruction of humans and structures? Is this happening in the so-called civilized world? I am ashamed to be part of this age. The massacre is history repeated a thousand times since the world began.

What is the solution? We find true peace only in Jesus Christ. He who did no wrong but suffered and died for us. Christ overcame evil with good. He is our example, but more than that, Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, enables us to overcome evil with good.

The only way you can love, forgive or not repay evil with evil is by remembering that Christ did the same for you and me. He ignored and loved us even when we were sinners. We nailed to the cross and crucified the Son of God. He replied, Father, forgive them for they don't know what they are doing. Very powerful and awesome. That's the highest repayment of evil with good.

Next time you get into the revenge game, as we are bound to because of our sinful nature, remember Christ crucified for you, which is the Gospel. It's good news. The Gospel is the most extraordinary exchange of evil for good. Tell someone the good news of the Gospel.

We do not manufacture our faith in Christ. It is a gift that must be accepted and lived out. Daily we take up our cross and follow Jesus in his footsteps. There is no other way of living. The contrary is evil for evil. Do me, and I do you. Slap me, and I slap you. Cheat me, and I will finish you.

Are you still struggling in the sin of evil for evil? Is it possible you have not understood the Gospel and have not accepted what Christ did for you on the cross? Today is your chance to do so and be reconciled to God. Please pray. Lord, I have sinned. I repent and ask that you forgive me. Please fill me with your Holy Spirit to live a new life in you. Amen.

Yes, you are already a believer and follower of Christ, but you enjoy the dish of "evil for evil." Be warned, repent, and start giving "good for evil." Let us trust our heavenly Father who said, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, " says the Lord.

Oh, there's a day of vengeance and repayments for all evil done by all. If you are in Christ, your sins are forgiven forever. However, we will still appear before the judgment seat of Christ for the reward of the good done on earth.

If you are not a believer in Christ, and trust your righteousness and self-effort, and are not "born again," I am sorry; you will receive God's vengeance. The choice is yours today. Confess and repent, all of us and let's trust Christ. Amen.

Beware! Evil for evil is sweet but very dangerous. It is a life that leads straight to hell. Revenge is sweet, don't taste it.

Like Jesus, pray for the evildoer to you and bless them. Hard! Lord, please help us to bless those who have wronged us. Do you have someone to bless or forgive today? Go ahead right now and do so. Free yourself and free them. Amen.

Lord, please keep safe and protect all in the eyes of the storm and hurricane Ian. Please comfort the families who have lost loved ones. Amen.


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