Going Fishing?

Dear Saints:

Okay, the lockdown is almost over and will soon be over by God’s grace. We thank God! And now are you going fishing?

That’s what Peter and some of the disciples did. Please read the entire chapter of John 21. What is your response to this COVID-19 season and after? We are all in this together but our reactions and responses are all going to be different.

We will be tempted (out of frustration, boredom or perceived needs) to resort to what we are previously used to doing.

Peter and others were bored and frustrated and they went fishing. They were equally jobless and wanting to make a living like most of us. The disciples have been with Jesus for three years. He has been crucified, buried and risen from the dead. Jesus has already appeared to the disciples twice in their lockdown. It seems like the disciples are forgetting the three years and the many words Jesus planted in them.

In fact the disciples were grieving. We must allow ourselves to grieve the COVID-19 season and after. We have lost loved ones or people we know. We have lost tangible and non-tangible things such as jobs, paychecks, school graduations and many other planned dreams that may never materialize. What are you grieving? Tell it to Jesus right now.

Jesus knows where we are and now appears to the disciples again even when they went fishing. Jesus asked, “Do you have any food”? He cares for their basic needs and even cooked the breakfast for them. He first fed the disciples. Jesus will and is feeding us even now by providing for us.

Jesus, doesn’t stop at their basic needs. He goes further to their true need. "Do you love me more than theses?" He had helped them catch fishes which they could not catch all night toiling. If that’s all you want you will catch fishes. But is that all? Jesus then ask, “Do you love?”

The disciples forgot that Jesus had told them you will now be fishers of men when He first called them as His disciples. It is a choice. Fish for men or fish for fishes? Yes, you need your job but that is not why you are there and what it is all about. Jesus will always feed you if you make His business (fishing for men and women) your priority.

“Do you love me more than these”? “Do you love Me”? Is it going to be business as usual? “Feed my lamb”. “Tend My sheep”. “Feed my sheep”.

Nothing else will satisfy you except to love Jesus more than these. Will you and I love Jesus more than these? How?

Go back to the upper room, pray, receive the Holy Spirit and then go fishing for men and women. God has already prepared the people ahead of us. He demonstrated it by the many fishes the disciples caught as they listened to Jesus and obeyed. “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” Jesus knows exactly where the fishes are and He knows exactly where every human is.

Will you pray, speak and invite those on your right or left to come to Jesus by the power of the Gospel. Who are the three names on your “right side” to pray for right now? Go ahead pray and speak to them now or in the future. Amen. Thank you Lord that you already “caught” me through others who spoke the Gospel to me. Now, help me to do the same for others. Amen.

Let's step out in faith and action in this next season of lockdown relaxation. Lord, we are trusting you for our protection and for provision. Amen.


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